Full Name: Willow Lucia Ravenwood
Age: 15(TRTHTM), 16(DbFoA)
Birthday and Zodiac: October 29 - Scorpio
Nickname(s): Lucy,(if you call her Lucy you will most likely die)
Friend(s): Laurence, Isabella, Gabriella
Favorite Color: Purple
Strengths: Magic, Charmspeak, seems to be able to read minds,
Weaknesses: Bloodthirsty, must follow direct orders,
Fears: unknown
Medieval Status: Rebel- The Witch
Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Demon or Angel: Demon
Extra Info:
My Cast
AcakThis is my cast for pretty much all of my fanfics and stories. Whenever I mention My Cast this is what I am referring to.