Peace and Attacked

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Reader's POV

Morning has come, a new day, a new start... or not. Both BTS and Lucine were asleep, still oblivious to the drama happening, only for a certain group's manager began to call them repeatedly for several hours. The house was silent, indicating the boys have yet to wake up when the sound of someone's phone rang, breaking the silence. Jin groggily gets up before waving around for his phone before finally grabbing ahold of the source of the noise and answers still in a trance-like state.

"Hyung? What's up? I thought we didn't have a schedule today?" Jin's tired voice questions unaware of the raging manager on the other end of the line.

"Yah!! Have you boys not seen the news yet?! There are hundreds of articles about some mystery girl you were hanging out with yesterday?!" said manager responds with a loud voice quickly waking the oldest member from his sleepy state. Sitting straight up, Jin responds, "WHAT!?! When were the articles published?!" he asks with a frantic tone. 

"I don't know, but what I do know is whoever that girl is, the reporters are searching high and low for her because neither they nor the company, could find any information regarding her background." his response causes Jin to freeze up.

"Hyung, I'll call you back. I'm gonna talk with the others." Jin responds quickly before hanging up and screaming at everyone to wake up. "YAH!! EVERYONE GET UP!! EMERGENCY!!" the loud wake-up call waking everyone in the building.

Soon, one by one the members start filing in the room in a zombie-like state due to their exhaustion. After a few minutes of shuffling around in the living room, everyone was now seated around the table and still not fully awake until Jin shocked them with the news regarding their new female friend. 

"Someone managed to catch photos of us hanging out with Lucine and now there are news reporters conducting a manhunt for someone who could give them information about her," Jin says in a calm tone. By this point, everyone was awake and silent, trying to let the new information sink in before the silence was broken by a chair scraping the chair. All the members look towards the source of the scraping and see Yoongi, standing with his bangs hiding his eyes and trembling. 

"When?" he speaks in a whisper, Jin barely making out what he said.

"When what?" the older of the two asks in a confused manner. 

"When the hell was the fucking article published?" Yoongi asks still asking in a hushed voice with the others straining to hear his question. 

"What? I can't hear you Yoongi." Jin tries to get the other to speak up. Then all hell broke loose. 

"WHEN THE HELL WAS THAT FUCKING ARTICLE PUBLISHED?!?!" Yoongi screams in a fit of rage scaring the ones closest to him. His knuckles turned red from slamming his fist on the table so hard it seemed it would break. Fury was too light of a word to explain the emotions in the rapper's eyes, eyes that looked as if they were ready to murder or strangle the person that published the said article. Everyone was silent, unable to give the seething member an answer to his question. 

"Hyung calm down. If we want to figure anything out, we can't go off the handle and get angry at everyone who might be involved. I get that you care for her well-being, we all do, but yelling and throwing a fit isn't going get us anywhere," Namjoon speaks up trying to ease the tension and calm down his older member by trying to speak logically. Hearing this Yoongi quickly snaps out of his raging state and sits down breathing heavily to try and calm himself down.

"What I don't understand is how?" the youngest spoke out, "We weren't being followed from what I could recall and not to mention Lucine got dressed up into a male outfit. So how did people find out she was a girl?" he tries to deduce with a confused look. 

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