We (almost) met

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Jacob's POV

I was in gym sitting alone on the bleachers drawing a few things out of boredom.

I drowned out all of the noise around me to focus on what my pencil was currently drawing . It was a picture of a girl, no one in particular. I started with the outline of the face adding a little defined jaw bone structure. I found that enticing in some people.

I then drew her slightly almond shaped eyes , her slim nose,and Rihanna shaped lips . I love RiRi.

I changed my position to lay on my stomach and kick my legs up.

I couldn't decide if I wanted her hair in a normal style or in one like Aaliyah's,so I just decided to draw another girl with a few touches of Aaliyah and then her hairdo. I actually liked that one & named her "Liyah". So I was back on the girl I started with and she still needed a hairdo. I looked up around me seeing two girls. One with long pink ..weave. And another with straight &short messy looking black hair.

I mentally shook my head scanning the rest of the room.

I suddenly saw a girl and her twin sister. They were white with brownish blonde hair. One had her hair parted in the right corner of her hair and that hair waved back a little then came to the left side. It was a cute style so I decided to draw it , adding in extra waves . I looked at them again and they had what I call a 'butt chin' . I mentally giggled at the thought then looked at my drawing. I went back and changed her chin to match theirs and she was pretty . I smiled down at my work then signed her name beside her .

"Melanie" is what I wrote . She kind of looked like Melanie Fiona .

I sighed sitting up . I was so bored I considered watching the boys play their basketball.

I looked up at them for a few seconds quickly getting bored. I knew none of them so that made it extra boring. I looked around at all the usually ignored people that unintentionally annoy me and huffed. I need some more friends , but it's hard finding good ones these days.

"Prince!" a person called, pulling me out of my thoughts. I recognized that voice and instantly turned up my nose in annoyance.

This was one of my fakest 'best friends' , Nala Walkens.

(A/n: I changed it from wayans cz it sounds too famous Lol)

I turned to see her about five bleachers up and 2spaces over . She smiled and waved at me.

I waved back giving a fake smile. Hey, if your fake with me, you get the same treatment. Just saying.

"Come up here boo!" she yelled and the other girls around her agreed with nods and smiles.

I really don't like them .

"It's ok.I'm fine here!" I said trying not to sound rude.

"Noooo , Princey pleeeaaase!" she yelled dramatically causing a few stares. I rolled my eyes slowly walking up there, leaving my books in my previous spot.

I got to where the steps started , to walk up there . I wished for a miracle , like the coach's whistle to keep me from joining them. I really wasn't in the mood today.

But by the second step, my wish was kind of granted because I felt a hard force hit the back of my head.

I got a little 'sleepy' and tumbled, then darkness . .


Chresanto's POV

Me and the boys were just playing ball . It was fun until Zoey's dumb axx tossed the ball so hard that Ej jumped out of the way and it hit my precious Jacob ..well he's not mines.. Yet .

We Met in Gym (Royce-Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now