Observing Trix

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*shrugs at the title of this Ch.* I really didn't even know what to name it Lol,sorry. It was a quick change.

_________  ____________

Ray's POV

After Chres and I finished up lunch, we decided to leave early and meet up in the library for the rest of the time.

He wanted to find a book that went with a culture he was writing about in History. Nerds, I tell you.

I grabbed my AP Chemistry stuff and shut my locker,walking down the hallway to meet up with Chresanto.As I turned the corner, I was just about to walk down the hall but I saw something that made me stop and go back into hiding.

I was behind the corner watching what I saw wondering if I should approach or not. But I also wanted to see if Chres was really feeling Jake or not and this was like a test.

Right then, I decided not to intervene.

Nala was standing quite close to Chres while she talked to him. I could hear the conversation and he wasn't really trying to keep it going. She , on the other hand, was. Every time Chres turned back around to look in his locker she either spoke or grabbed him to get his attention. It was rather annoying to watch.

But I didn't know it could get any more annoying until she was feeling up on my boy. She grabbed his butt and I could hear her say something about "a** for days".

That was actually funny but not in this situation.

I wanted to smack her for touching my nigga when he doesn't even want her like that. It's obvious.More importantly, Chres has a thing about certain people touching him in that way and I just knew that infuriated him.But I knew this time he could take up for himself.

After the butt grab, he gasped turning towards her and was about to yell at her. I could tell by the facial expression on his face; he always knitted his eye brows as his nose turned up when he was mad. He stepped close to her , holding in his anger and gritted,

"Stay away from me and don't ever do that again."

He slammed his locker about to walk off until she grabbed his arm, quickly pulling him back to her and grabbing his face for a quick .




. . kiss.

This bxtch! I thought to myself. 

But then I had a new thought as I looked past them seeing a hurt looking Jacob.



Hope you liked; so sorry for mistakes&extreme shortness!

Ik this isn't much but if like at least 5ppl comment today, I'll upload the next Ch today. It's done.







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