Thinking Out Loud

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“Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran.  (Song for the Ch-look it up if u don't know it) I didn't know what to name this Ch. So it doesn't really match the content


I forced myself to write this today after it's been deleted,errg . + my writing is crap so I didn't even want to write this and freak it up ..but I hope it's decent .

PS:some of y'all were saying "dvmn,dvmn,dvmn" was from Good Times..Yeah.But it's from Martin too.Jacob got it from Martin. Not being sassy,js lol


The whistle sounded from the PE teacher letting the high schoolers know they could go play or sit down. Chresanto and Jake were walking and decided to sit down.

They both sat talking for most of the period. You could hear their laughs radiate throughout the room.

"You are too sweet,gosh." Jacob said , his cheeks tinted with blush as he leaned into Chresanto. Chres wrapped his arm around Jacob, rubbing his side,smiling at the compliment he was given in response to his actions.

They were talking about hair and Jacob mentioned how wild his hair was at times. Chresanto smiled fingering Jake's afro a bit saying, "Your hair is always flawless ..just like you."

"Chres,Jake? Come play basketball with us!" They heard Ray yell from the court.

Jacob instantly seemed hesitant, but Chres hadn't noticed yet. He smiled saying , "Oo,yeah. Come on,Jake." He gently grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the court.

"Alright." Ray smiled.

"Um..Chres?" Jake whispered to Chresanto.

Chresanto looked over to Jake. "Hmm?"

Jacob leaned to his ear. "I can't play basketball. I don't know how." He said quietly.

"Ohh. Well, do you know how to shoot?" Chresanto asked nicely, smiling.

"I guess I could try." Jacob shrugged.

Chres nodded and smiled putting an arm around Jacob's waist. "Okay y'all, is it alright if we play something like HORSE instead of actual basketball?" Chres asked.

All the guys, Ray, Zoey, Ej, Craig,and Daniel looked around nodding at each other. "Yeah, it's cool." Craig spoke up.

(A/N- I forgot how to play HORSE, I think-btw, this part was deleted so I'm not going into detail again,sorry)

Chresanto explained the game to Jacob first,then decided to go first showing Jacob the correct way to toss a ball into the hoop. He got it, then it was Jake's turn. He took small steps up to where Chresanto was, finally arriving with a huge amount of hesitation. Chresanto gave him a comforting smile that seemed  to wipe away some of his anxieties .

Chresanto placed his arms and hands around and over Jake's to guide him. Jacob thought of the gesture as one of those in cliché movies he watched when bored on a Friday night, but appreciated Chresanto being so sweet and that's all that mattered.

Jacob's POV - after school

"Mom!" I called out. "Mami,I'm home!" I got no reply and turned to Chresanto who was glancing around.

"Just follow me." I told him with a small smile,leading him to my room after he nodded.

"Your house is really nice." He complimented as we made it to my room.

I smiled . "Thank you." I took his back pack from him and placed it on my computer desk chair along with mine.

I switched on the telly,tossed off my shoes and lie across my bed getting comfortable. I turned seeing Chres just standing there awkwardly.

I laughed. "Come on,Chres!" I patted beside me and he sort of blushed, gently kicking off his shoes to join me.

I felt the bed dip in as I channel surfed then looked to see the beautiful lad at my side. "Hey." I said being the weirdo I am.

He chuckled and responded back with the same words.

I smiled and settled the TV on 106&Park,though I heard it was coming to an end or something.

"You know,they say this show isn't gonna be airing on BET anymore." Chresanto mentioned.

"I was just thinking the same thing!" I gapsed and we both laughed.

"But seriously, I hate that. I don't understand why it's happening. How am I supposed to keep up with stuff?" I asked rhetorically.

He nodded. "I know right. And if it's because of the Karrueche and Blue Ivy thing,that's dumb as f-" he paused. "That's dumb."

I giggled. "You can say it Chresanto, I'm not a little child. I can take it." I stated the last line dramatically, causing him to laugh. He shook his head.

"So,where's your mom? What're the plans this evening?. .for us I mean."

He asked as he watched the No Type video by the same boys who made No Flex Zone. I forget their names.

"Hm, I don't really know where she is. She's usually here." I furrowed my eyebrows thinking of the possible places she could be and shrugged. "But we're alone." I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he laughed hysterically.

"We can skinny dip in the pool.." I suggested playfully, sitting up on my knees with a smirk. He furrowed his brows.

"Are you serious?" He chuckled, sounding amused.

"Though I wouldn't mind seeing you naked .." I quickly paused, feeling my cheeks heat up. I slowly turned to face Chres who had a little blush and smirk evident in his appearance.

"" I muttered. "I didn't mean to say that out loud! I didn't mean it.. Well i did," I paused again making the 'ahh!' sound, "I mean, I meant I was just kidding and- " I rambled until he cut me off with a big laugh.

I smiled though I was embarrassed. "It's not funny!" I whined.

"Yes, it is. Very funny. Gosh, you're too cute." He said but froze right after. I'm guessing he didn't mean to say that either. I blushed at his complimented but smirked wanting to get back at him.

"Hahaha!" I laughed obnoxiously in his face. He repeated my embarrassed reaction by covering his face. I lay back down beside him pulling at his hands.

"No,no,no .. No covering the money maker." I cooed.

He instantly stopped resisting my efforts to uncover his face. "Moneymaker?" He questioned with a laugh. I nodded with wide eyes and a smile.

"Well show me the money." He joked. I laughed and sighed.

"Hm, to answer your question earlier, I guess we could eat a quick snack, hang until my my comes, something else and then play in the pool until whenever." I looked at him after stating my not-so-detailed plan, to see if he agreed.

He nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Alright, come on!" I grabbed his hand and rushed us out of my room and downstairs for a snack.

Hm,This evening should be fun.



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