He Loves Me?

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Does anyone else love Larry Stylinson.. Or any of 1D's bromances?


Jacob's POV

I jumped out of my car as soon as I got home. I ran into the house to tell my mami&my cousin Bella the news.

"Mom! Bella! Mamiii! . . Hello?" I called looking through each room. No one answered.

"Where is everybody?" I asked myself quietly. It was weird for it to be so quiet but then I stopped talking and really listened, hearing some familiar music coming from the backyard. I walked to the back door,peeking through the blinds. There, I saw my mom,Behlen,and Noah. Noah was in the pool with Behlen while mama sat in a lawn chair tanning and eating something.

I chuckled. She's always snacking. I stepped out. "Hey you guys, I have some wonderful news." I cooed,swaying a little, obviously enjoying the song being played, which came from the album FOUR by 1D.Bella,being the proud Directioner she is, was the culprit.

"Jaco!" Noah yelled as he pointed at me.

"Hi Noah!" I smiled, waving at my silly little cousin.

My mom and Bella soon greeted me,then asked about the news.  I blushed a little.

"I have a date." I smiled twiddling my thumbs. I plopped down into a lawn chair next to my mom. She immediately smiled and sat up.

"Oh my gosh,Jacob. That's so wonderful!" Mom clapped cheerfully, cupping my face with her hands,she placed a congragulatory kiss on my cheek.

"Well..details!" Bella yelled from the pool impatiently, harboring a big smile. Noah also made a few noises.

I giggled. "Okay. Well, his name is Chresanto and he's really handsome and sweet and just everything wonderful. He wants to take me somewhere Saturday. I just have to choose where I want to go,but I have an idea." I told mostly to Bella since I'd already described Chresanto to my mom.

They both 'aww'd' at that.

"So where have you decided to go?" Mom asked.

"On my way home, I passed a carnival.. So I think that's where I want to go. It looked really nice." I smiled.

They both smiled. "Aw,okay. I'm so happy for you sweety."

"Thanks." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Shouldn't you be telling this Chresanto where you wanna go right now?" Bella asked.

I shrugged. "Well I guess." I got up smiling. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." I said stepping back into the the house,hearing their replies of 'ok'.

As soon as the door closed, I remembered something. I went back out with a plate and fork.

"Aye,mami. I want some." I said pointing to the snack I'd seen her eating before.

She laughed. "Help yourself, greedy."

I smiled but playfully glared at her,pointing my fork in her direction. "I will cut you."

Her eyebrows rose as she laughed.

"You won't touch my auntie, Lil boy!" Bella yelled from the pool trying to sound so tough. She sounded hilarious and it only caused me to laugh as I scooped myself some Spinach Artichoke dip, grabbing a few tortilla chips.

"Oh..okay." I tried to sound serious but failed as soon as I laughed.

I left once again,grabbed my backpack then carefully walked up the stairs to my room humming a tune.

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