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Time is complicated. It can play tricks with the minds of the brilliant and toy with the hearts of the passionate, pulling strings as if a mastermind with its puppets. Moving slowly when you crave the future and fast when you dread what is to come. And sometimes, in rare cases, it stops completely. It simply ceases to exist. Everything around you becomes still, blurred, irrelevant, leaving you incapable of comprehending your jumbled thoughts.

Because that's what your thoughts become, spirals of uncertainty and indecision that can only lead to disaster. The words merge together and you begin to question what is real and what is fantasy, resulting in the breakdown of confidence.

This is what Daisy Reynolds is experiencing in this exact moment, time slowing to a stand still until she feels her lungs begin to constrict. Her palms begin to sweat and she can't help but cringe at the cliché situation she has found herself in, panicking at the mere thought of publicly showing her talent.

"What?" She asks hesitantly, not quite believing what she had heard.

"I signed us up for the winter wonderland band bash!" Daniel exclaims, an ecstatic grin plastered on his pale features.

Daniel Taylor sits on the edge of his seat, his hands clasped tightly on his lap as his eyes almost shine in contrast with the dim room they reside in. The confident boy, who had never quite grasped the concept of anyone having a differing opinion to him, pushes his hair from his face, a habit that he was oblivious to driving the girl's of Hawkins into a frenzy with. Although he was rarely enthusiastic about anything, preferring to make snarky comments, he eyes his friends excitedly, his leg shaking.

"I've always hated that name." Valerie Woods drawls, sitting up from where she had been lying down, sprawled across the floor.

The girl rolls her eyes adorned with pitch black winged eyeliner, something she refuses to leave the house without, grimacing lightly, her beehive hairstyle having become tangled. The typical bored tone to her voice is present, an exaggerated yawn filling the tense silence of the room, something Valerie doesn't seem to notice as she begins to hum to herself.

BEAUTIFUL DREAMER | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now