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Daisy has always hated rain. There's something about the restlessness of it that unsettles her, the patter that is perceived as calming to others only unnerving her. Perhaps it's the feeling of being trapped when it does rain, having to stay indoors in order to remain dry, only becoming uncomfortable if you do brave the outside, wet socks and damp hair leaving you to freeze. Luckily for her, it is rare for the small town of Hawkins to suffer from such weather, which is why, the day after the godforsaken party, she is less than pleased to awake to a thunderstorm. It felt fitting, however, the argument from the night before still fresh in her mind.
Getting ready for school was hard, the girl having to drag herself from room to room. She put less effort in than usual, leggings and a hoodie being the most appealing choice, her hair left in a messy bun atop her head. The bags underneath her eyes were prominent, her lack of sleep from the night before showing starkly on her delicate features. The flashes of thunder outside didn't help, the bright light only highlighting her sunken eyes and pale face.
Daisy's dad, upon noticing her tired complexion, assuming it was just from a bad nights sleep, offers her his car to drive to school, a proposal she was immensely grateful for. The only problem is, her sister is incapable of being on time. It's usually not an issue, the girl leaving to walk to school before Amelie even gets out of bed, but on this occasion, her dad insisted on Daisy taking her sister with her.
So, as she stands in the doorway of Amelie's bedroom, seeing her still asleep and tucked in bed, only ten minutes before they were due to leave, Daisy barely has the energy to move in order to force her awake. But the frustration that has been with her since the party, and the strong exasperation that came with wanting to be on time in order to talk to Daniel, brought her forward, tugging on Amelie's duvet and exposing her to the bitter coldness of the day.
Grumbling loudly, Amelie opens her eyes slowly, squinting at the figure above her. "What the hell do you want?"
"If you don't get up now you'll be late." Daisy lectures, grabbing her sister's hands and pulling her into a sitting position. "Or, more importantly, I'll be late."