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"You don't believe me?"

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"You don't believe me?"

Daisy feels drained, not only from lack of energy but mental exhaustion, and she needs Steve to trust her, if nothing but to dampen her worries that she's going mad. For all she knows this could have all happened in her head, and the horrific creature that chased her to his house was simply some sick figment of her imagination, the stress and tiredness finally having its effect on her.

The utter fear she felt, however, is enough to convince her that something strange must be happening in her small hometown, and devastatingly Daniel has been caught in the middle of it.

"I'm not saying that you're lying." Steve says carefully, warily glancing at the girl, knowing that one wrong word will cause the girl to leave. "I just think you may not have seen what you think, and it could have been an animal, or...or a guy in a costume...or something."

"You think I can confuse an animal as a seven foot arsehole with thousands of fucking teeth?" Daisy spits, her agitation as she looks at him making him pause before even thinking of opening his mouth to reply.

"I just-" The boy pauses again, cutting himself off before he can anger her further. "Don't get me wrong, I believe that you saw...something."

"Something?" She asks, raising her eyebrows, her eyes hardening slightly. "If you're just going to patronise me then I might as well leave."

Standing from her seat on the couch, Daisy shrugs the blanket off that Steve had given her when she first sat down, him not willing to admit that he was worried for her, and her not willing to ask for anything, so deciding on draping a blanket over her shoulders instead. He saw her shaken expression, her shivering body, and tired eyes, knowing that something was seriously wrong, but him not knowing how to help, despite desperately wanting to.

Not making it further than the chair arm that Steve had sat on, a hand gripping her wrist softly, she sighs loudly, barely finding the energy to turn and face the boy. Their eyes meet, and for a second he sees the true vulnerability in them, but it goes as quickly as it came, and he finds himself clearing his throat and casting his eyes downward.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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