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Detention is excruciatingly long. That thought repeats itself in Daisy's mind over and over as she writes lines from the blackboard, Mrs Robinson's watchful eye tracing her every move. This isn't her first detention, but wherever she can Daisy will avoid them at all costs, knowing that it will always come to this, an hour of boredom.
Steve sits behind her, staring out the window, having previously been tapping his pen on his desk before receiving a chilling glare from his teacher. Whether he wants to admit it or not, the boy is very much scared of the woman, just like every other student in school. She has a way of making you feel as though you've done something wrong, even when you know for a fact you haven't. Even the seemingly most nonchalant person in school cowers from the teacher.
Feeling as though they must have been close to the end of their prolonged day, Daisy glances to the large clock on the wall, her mouth dropping slightly upon realising it had only been twenty minutes since she had stepped foot in the room, refraining from groaning, an itching feeling irritating her body. She's desperate to leave the school and make her way to Daniel's house, demanding to speak to the boy, planning to not leave until they sorted things out. It has only been a day but she misses her friend.
Turning around in her seat slightly so she can see Steve in the corner of her eye, the girl can't help but study him. She has to admit that she finds him attractive, she'd be a fool not to, but that wasn't the reason for her sudden interest. He acts differently alone to how he does with his group of friends, completely different in fact. There is a serenity to him when he's independent, a calmness as if he's at peace with himself, yet when he's with his friends, people who are supposed to give him that comfort, the boy is on edge, like he has something to prove.
Daisy can't understand it, herself being the complete opposite. When by herself, she finds herself needing to be in the company of others, her loved ones bringing her the solace she lacks within her. It is hard to comprehend why the boy surrounds himself with people that don't give him that.
"Miss Reynolds, I suggest you stop staring at Mr Harrington, and continue the task I have given you." Miss Robinson mutters, not looking up from the test she is marking, her glasses propped on the end of her nose. "Unless, of course, you'd like to join me again tomorrow evening."