You Can Try

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Hi, and welcome to Falling! I actually had a dream that inspired this story, so I hope you all enjoy it. If you do, I really appreciate votes and comments (like really appreciate). This story will be updated regularly as my semester at UNI is over! Falling will also contain quite a bit of smut as it gets going; I'll put warnings at the beginning of those chapters! Thanks guys! -HEX

*Chapter song: Hold Back the River- James Bay*

 Without further ado...

For as long as Link could remember, from even a young age, he had wanted a family. He had wanted a beautiful wife and bouncing babies that he could show unconditional love. When he had met Christy, when he had seen her pretty face in the line at the skating rink his junior year of college, he had almost been hit by a car because he was so drawn to her that he wandered aimlessly through the parking lot toward her. The car horn that sounded had jolted him, and he had been so embarrassed until he had glanced up and seen the flush across Christy's freckled nose. She was so, so pretty. From the ends of her blonde hair to the tips of her painted toes, Link had adored her instantly.

When they had started dating, Link knew immediately he wanted to marry her. She had a warmth about her; a bright radiance that sunk into his skin and touched his core. He loved her so much, and the happiest day of his life was the day that she agreed to become his wife. When she had taken his last name he couldn't keep his grin from paining his cheeks, and he had been in awe of how soft and wonderful she was. The way her eyes twinkled when they had found out she was pregnant, the way she had jumped with joy when they found out it was a baby girl, the way she had calmed him when she had been in labor even though she was the one having the baby...

She had given Link the one thing he had never had; a healthy, beautiful, intact family that he had longed for since the day his Daddy had left his Mama. The pain of their divorce had hit him hard, and he hadn't understood at first that it wasn't his fault. He remembered apologizing to his Dad over and over, promising to be a good boy and pick up all his toys every day if he would just stay home. He hadn't, and Link had to learn how to be a man without his daddy around. When he had gotten older he had seen more of him, but what Link wouldn't give to have been able to see Charles every day when it mattered.

With Christy, he had been given the chance to give his kids what he hadn't been able to have; a real father.

Link had been there for every bedtime story and had chased away every monster from under the bed. Link had kissed every boo-boo and had even learned to braid when Lily had decided that was the only style she wanted to wear in her hair. He had learned to love baseball when Lincoln joined little league, and he hadn't missed a single game. Lando had been different. Lando had been born out of a different type of circumstance. He was the saving grace, the miracle baby that would fix everything and for a while, it had worked. Lando was the baby he and Rhett had introduced to the Mythical Beasts, the youngest face of the Neals and the sweetest little boy Link had ever known.

He had vowed that he'd love their Mama through sickness and health, for better or worse, and till death do them part. Well, he supposed that day he had found Christy with another man had felt like dying anyway.

"Hey man, you planning on doing something productive today or am I working solo?"

Link jumped at the sound of Rhett's voice. "I'm sorry," he ran a hand over his face and glanced at his best friend of over 30 years, "I ain't all here right now. I'm sorry. Sorry."

Link didn't mind sharing an office with Rhett. It made sense to have a shared workspace since their business was split right down the middle, and they were used to doing everything together anyway. It was only times like this when he wasn't fully committed to what he was doing, that he minded it at all. Even then, he only minded it because he thought he might bother Rhett when he became distant like he just had.

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