Steel City: Part 3

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WARNING: ADULT CONTENT! That goes for this entire chapter! Thanks for reading. As always, leave a comment or give me a vote if you enjoy this story. It would mean a lot, thanks <3

Noah's back slammed off the wall and she gasped, the noise swallowed by Link's mouth as their kisses grew more eager and intense. There was nothing gentle in the way they touched, both frantic in their attempt to completely consume one another. She couldn't remember ever wanting someone the way she wanted him; their first kiss in his office a couple of months ago seeming so small and innocent compared to the way he devoured her now.

There was a power shift, a change in the order of things involving the two of them. She had told him she loved him, just as he was going to tell her, and both of their hearts had healed in all the places they had been shattered and cracked. Link had almost fallen to his knees when she said it, peering up at him with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. He felt her words in his soul; a tight squeeze when he felt like he was falling apart. He had kissed her then, in the middle of the square surrounded by trees and people. He didn't care, and neither had she as they stood there embracing against the cold. He had whispered it back to her, so low he wasn't sure she had heard him at first. Then she had pulled away, a new fierceness in the way her gaze bore into his.

She had told him to take her home and he hadn't wasted a second getting her through the door, on one another as soon as the latch clicked. It was like fire burning through them, spanning the space in between and burning both of them. It felt like the first time and the last time at the same time, an urgency in the way they needed to be connected in every way.

Link wanted to inject her into his veins. He wanted to press every piece of him against every piece of her, melting into one another until they became one. He had thought he understood love before. He had thought he'd felt the peak of his affections, then she said those three words to him and it was like he could see the entire universe in her eyes and how it all worked and why they existed here together. He had held back before, he knew that now. He hadn't wanted to be so deeply invested in case she didn't feel the same, and he had needed to protect his heart and all the things he had built for himself in the years he had been married to Christy...that all changed the second she opened her mouth.

He was in. He was ALL in, and there was no going back. She was part of him, and nothing else mattered; not Christy, not his divorce or the fight he'd have to surely endure these next few months, not the backlash he might get from Stevie or the mythical beasts; nothing mattered except Noah and how she practically clawed at his back after he shrugged out of his flannel, desperate to feel his skin against hers.

Link dropped her feet back to the ground, kissing her until he reached over his head to grab the fabric of his t-shirt between his shoulder blades, tugging the cloth up and over his head in one swift motion. His glasses caught in the shirt but he didn't care, dropping both to the ground with a light clatter before reaching for the redhead just as she pulled off her sweater, tossing it somewhere to the side. He pulled her back into him, their mouths a clash of tongues and teeth as he lifted her back onto his hips, his palms flat against the backs of her thighs.

He started to lead them blindly toward the bedroom, trusting his basic knowledge of the layout of the Air BnB to get them there. Her hands ran up his biceps, eliciting a small groan of satisfaction from him, before kneading their way across his shoulders and up to his hair. She couldn't help but tug when he tripped over the rug, stumbling just a little, before gaining his footing again.

He recovered quickly, setting her on the table before his big hands rested against either side of her face, his eyes bouncing back and forth between hers, before he leaned in again. Noah felt a sudden tenderness in the way his eyes softened before his nose brushed against hers, pressing a gentle kiss against her lips, then another, and another, the pressure starting to bubble and build again.

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