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NO WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER! AS ALWAYS, let me know if you like it by giving me a vote or a comment! Thanks for reading- Hex.

"...n' then I left. Came here to see you," Link told Noah, finished telling her about his conversation with Christy. He looked down at her as he lounged against her headboard, pillows tucked behind his bareback for comfort and to keep his skin from hitting the bare steel.

She laid on her left side, head propped up in her hand and sheet pulled loosely over her naked skin as she peered up at him from her horizontal position. The only light, a small lamp on her bedside table, cast shadows across his face and dipped between the muscles of his chest. She thought he looked handsome with his hair a mess, bite marks nibbled onto the skin of his shoulder and collarbone from their recent romp.

"I'm sorry you had to do that," she told him, fingers of her right hand dancing up his leg to rest on his thigh. His much larger hand immediately covered her smaller one, squeezing her fingers in his.

"Don't be," he reassured her, "it had to happen. I been needin' to do it for a lot longer than tonight."

"Mm," she hummed, "still couldn't have been easy."

Link's brow furrowed in thought, Noah watching his eyes bounce back in forth, unobstructed by the glasses that he'd tossed onto her dresser when they'd tangled in his shirt earlier.

"No," he confirmed, "but thinkin' of you made it better."

When he looked back at her, he had a small smile on his face and Noah was glad that it reached his eyes this time. Her cheeks heated from the blush that spread up her neck and dusted her face. The way he looked at her made it seem like she was the only girl in the world. She reached up to pull him in to kiss her, soft and sweet, until a soft weight on the bed distracted them both. Dorito had jumped up, looking for a place to sleep since the hour was growing later and later.

"Hi princess," Noah sat up to rub the orange fuzzball on her head, eliciting a rumbling purr.

A small whimper had Link leaning over the side of the bed, scooping Jade onto the mattress as she kissed her dad and bound happily over to her new kitty friend, curling in a small brown ball near where Dorito had settled down.

"Looks like they're gettin' on fine enough," he smiled, watching his little dog sigh happily and close her eyes. "Jade's never really had a friend before."

"Neither has Dorito," Noah smiled as well.

"The kids wanted to get another dog, but...but I guess we hadn't found one before everything happened."

"That's because you're too picky," Noah teased, standing to stretch her lithe frame.

Link let his eyes wander over her creamy smooth skin, finding a bruise that looked a lot like his teeth near her right buttock. He smiled, remembering when he had spontaneously bit into her flesh during a particularly rough moment. "I ain't picky," he mumbled, half distracted by Noah sliding his shirt over her head and tossing him his glasses.

"Okay, Mr. I want another dog exactly like the dog I already have..."

"...I just know what I like," he countered, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

He couldn't help but find her endearing when she rolled her eyes at him, even if he had the sudden urge to spank her for the act. Shaking his head, Link remembered what he wanted to talk to her about before he got distracted with blow jobs, Thai food, a movie, and sex. Not a bad night, one of the best he'd had in a while, but he needed to do this before their meeting with Rhett tomorrow.

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