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It's late, and this is the first time Link and Noah are alone in the office...

Noah sat with her feet curled underneath her, perched on the orange couch across from Link. He sat at his desk, but he had twisted around and was facing her. She was still surprised that she had agreed to come back to the office after having been home. She had briefly contemplated asking him to just come by her apartment since it was around 8 when he and Rhett had gotten back into town but that seemed too intimate. She was still reeling from earlier and she imagined him coming to her apartment might not have been the best idea.

So now she was sitting in his office. Not that she hadn't been in his office numerous times, but being close to 9 at night and being alone in the building gave this visit a new feel. Link shifted in his seat a bit, reaching for a pencil and tapping the eraser on the glass surface at his elbow.

"Is this weird?" He looked up at her, smirking, "this is weird right?"

Noah laughed, "it's always weird, isn't it? Welcome to Mythical Entertainment."

It was Link's turn to let out a quick guffaw before dropping his pencil and letting it roll away from his fingers. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

There was a silence then, between the two of them. Noah picked at her nails while Link bounced his foot in time with the music playing from his Bluetooth speaker. It was comfortable, just sitting there listening to the soft rock music drifting through the air.

"So," she pushed, "it's been a day, huh?"

Link actually groaned, rubbing a hand down his face before removing his glasses and pinching his eyes.

"That bad, huh?"

He dropped his frames back onto his nose, "it was long, real long."

He stood and crossed the room to the mini fridge that he and Rhett kept in their office. Inside was an assortment of different flavored waters and sodas. He grabbed two sprites before padding over to the couch, handing Noah one as he took a seat on the other end. She was facing him, her legs curled underneath her and her right elbow propped on the back of the couch cradling her head in her hand.

She graciously accepted his offer, fingers grazing his while the can was deposited into her extended hand. Link cracked his, taking a big swig.

"Tell me about it," she nearly whispered. Urging him on.

Link let out a puff of air, "can I ask you somethin' first?"

Link watched her cheek dimple as she smiled and nodded, opening her own drink and sipping at it. His conversation with Rhett moving back to the front of his mind. She didn't seem like anything was bothering her, but he had to make sure.

"Everything okay here?" He gestured around them, "I mean, here, at work."

"Like do you mean am I happy with my job, or..." she trailed off, placing her head back on her palm, eyes narrowing in confusion.

Man, Link did not know how he should proceed with this conversation. He was okay in awkward situations, and if anyone who knew him had a say then it'd be he was pretty good at creating them too. He was just worried about making Noah uncomfortable, he guessed. Well, maybe not uncomfortable, but they had a good thing going here and if he mucked it up...

"No, I mean, well," Link took another drink.

Noah could see that he was stalling. She wasn't sure what he wanted to ask her, but he had to know that she loved her job right? She poked at his arm, trying to keep the conversation light "what is it?"

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