Chapter 1: Back Home

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Yes, another story. It's been way too long since I've done this. Yes, I have been offline for quite a while but now that I'm back, I do intend to complete all my works.
For all the people who've stumbled upon one of my works for the very first time, welcome to the family. And all my regular readers, I've missed each and every one of you.
Thankyou for bearing with me and happy reading!
Chapter 1
Back Home

On an unsurprisingly wet Sunday afternoon in mid-October, a girl was seen stepping out of the airport and breathing in the fresh air of the very green and very wet town of Forks.

"Daddio." She greeted, walking up to her father who eyed her heels cautiously.

"You seem a bit more...coordinated." He commented awkwardly, scratching the back of his head and looking around.

"Lost my second left foot with the baby fat." She replied smirking as father nodded not knowing how to reply. "Wow. This is so awkward." She said a few seconds before she burst into fits of laughter and giggles looking at her father blushing unamused.

The car ride was as comfortable as it could've been. For Shyra, that is. The chief of police on the other hand, was contemplating whether or not jumping out of the car in the middle of the road would set a bad example.

"So, what do people do for fun around here?" She asked.

"Well, there is the Reservation. Good beach and stuff." He said slowly, not knowing what his daughter would like to do. "And there's Port Angeles, in case you want or something."

"Not bad, huh." She replied looking out of the windows at the thick green forest cover wondering whether Charlie would allow her to explore. Deciding against asking, she thought of any other stuff she could ask him.

"Did all my stuff reach already?" She question.

"Oh. Oh yes, it did. Umm...all boxes are in your room." He told. "All untouched."

"Perfect." She replied, leaning her head against the cool window, letting a comfortable silence wash over them.
Deciding it was best to get the work out of the way, the first thing Shyra did was get her room in order. Finding it too bare for her liking, she decided to pay the nearby nursery a little visit.

Charlie's eyes widened when he saw his daughter entering with a number of potted plants. Keeping a few in before going to get some more.

"Um...I thought it wasn't good to keep plants in the bedroom at night." Charlie managed to say awkwardly eying the plants.

"I'll leave the windows open." She smiled. "And before you say anything, I won't feel cold. I have way too many warm blankets and quilts for that."

"I' get the big one up then." He offered with hopeful eyes.

"I'd like that." Shyra smiled, showing off her dimples.

"It looks good." Charlie said after everything was in place.

Shyra replied with a wink followed by a smile.


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" can drive, right?" Charlie asked.

"Of course I can." She replied with an amused expression.

"The deputy's daughter has gone off to college. He was nice enough to offer her car for you to drive until your car is delivered." Charlie told her.

"That's sweet. Give him a thanks from my side."

Charlie nodded before exiting her room, shutting the door behind himself.

The girl turned around hearing the familiar pitter patter, that she was so unused to now.

"So soon." She mused, tiling her head before walking up to the window and sticking her hand out watching as it got coated with water droplets, some sliding off and others too small to do so.

She gathered some water in her palms and and watched the rain hit it, remembering how she used to do the same as a child, insisting on getting wet in the rain and falling ill as a consequence.

She giggled at all the fond memories this tip-tip-tap triggered, not knowing that this sound would play as background music for some of the most important days of her life. In that moment, she was simply a small town girl returning home from the big bad city not knowing the dangers that now lurked in her hometown. She had no idea how drastically her life was about to change or how drastically she herself was about change lives that had fallen into decades (if not centuries) old routines.
How did you guys find this? This character is quite different from all I've written before.
This story is quite different from what we would normally find.
I hope you are really really liked it. Do let me know. Comment, like, share and follow me for more such works.
Thankyou and happy holiday season!🍁

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