Chapter 7: Stuff Of The Legends

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Chapter 7
Stuff of the Legends

The entire ride home, Shyra couldn't shake the uneasy gut feeling off. While she had stood there and defended the Cullens' protective nature and their peculiar ability to reach her just in time, something simply didn't add up, even in her head. Every question answered gave rise to two more. One question stuck out, considering their perfect timing to be simple luck, it still didn't explain why they were so protective anyways? Additionally, Shyra was sure that she had not imagined Jasper making sounds that people weren't supposed to be capable of making.

Having taken the decision to shop for groceries at the big store near the reservation had provided for a longer than usual ride.

It was during this ride that Shyra realised how exhausted she was. The move, without a doubt, had been overwhelming. Having spent her first day in Forks getting all her belongings in order, the second day going over the schoolwork and course, making sure she had nothing to catch up on, she had not spared a moment to sit down and take in the change in her surroundings.

Now that she thought about it, for someone who never interacted with anyone outside his family, Jasper had been awfully amiable in her case. The entire Cullen family, for that matter, had been like that. Of course, Rosalie seemed hesitant and did nothing more than pass her a small smile every now and then, but with what rumours she had been hearing about Rosalie and her icy behaviour, she knew it was as good as an I love you.

She parked her car in the empty spot closest to the shop's entrance. Something was up with the Cullens and she was going to find out exactly what it was, Shyra decided, solemnly nodding in her head. As she walked into the store, she had no idea she would find her answers sooner than she imagined.
Shyra stared down at two boxes of ice cream sandwiches with deep concentration. After no less than five minutes, she guiltily slipped both the boxes into her trolley and moved ahead as if she hadn't been anywhere near the ice creams at all.

It was as she was walking towards the cashier, checking the back of her fruit loops box for the expiration date, that she bumped into someone.

"Watch yourself leech." A deep male voice snarled.

Shyra slammed her box of fruit loops into her trolley, careful enough to not crush any oozy chocolate muffins. "Excuse me?" She hissed, a v shape forming on her forehead. "Leech?"

"Oh, I'm-" The buff boy started, looking like a child caught eating a candy he wasn't supposed to be eating.

"Anyways, I'm sure they don't sell steroids here, Ant." Shyra snapped, pushing her trolley along.

"I mistook you for someone else." The boy told her.

"Did you find-?" Another buff boy said coming up to 'Ant', stopping himself as he spotted Shyra whom he gave a confused look.

Oh my god. Shyra thought, her eyes widening slightly, as she moved forward only just realising she had called the boy an ant.

"Sam, she smells like them!" She heard the new buff boy hiss.

Shyra stopped in her tracks and turned her nose flaring.

"What is wrong with the pair of you? 'Smells like them'? What does that even mean? Don't answer that! It sounds creepy." Shyra said.

"Hey, um, I wasn't talking about you.." The second boy said, scratching the back of his head.

Unable to tell whether he was lying or not (but quite certain he was), Shyra raised an eyebrow at him and was about to walk away when he asked, "Um, not to be weird or anything, but do you go to Forks High?"

"After What just happened do you really thing I'll reveal anything about myself to you weirdos?" She exclaimed.

"That wasn't even the important question. That's literally the only school other than the one on the Rez. We go there, so I know you don't." The guy said.

Shyra shook her head. "Creep." She breathed as she turned around.

"Do you know the Cullens? Are they your friends?" He asked.

Shyra quickened her pace, paid for the food, and made a beeline for her, thankful to god for having left the parking spot so close to the door empty.

It was in the car that she clearly thought about the boys' words. They were right about there being no other school to attend but Forks High If she wasn't in their's. But how could they possibly know about her friendship(?) with the Cullens. Of all the people they could've picked, they chose the Cullens, the most antisocial people in town. And judging by the way they spoke about said people, they weren't to fond of the either.

And she smelled like someone? She shook her head deciding it didn't matter who she smelled like. How's they figure it out? Did the buff boys have supernoses? Did they regularly pull something like this to creep people out? Shyra's mind was full of questions. However, the most important thought in her head was that something was different about the Cullens. And this something was probably the reason they stayed away from people. But this conclusion resulted in another question. Why was she different? Why did they not avoid her like they did everyone else?
Hey guys!
I do realise this came after a very, very long wait. One, which I hope, was worth it. Let me know what you think! I'll try to update very soon. Hope you guys liked it.
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