Chapter 4: The Smirk

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Chapter 4
The Smirk

Shyra did not mention the small, hesitant smile on Rosalie Hale's face as she pushed past her to exit the classroom as soon as the bell rang.

Shyra found Madeline right outside the cafeteria with another girl.

"Lina. Indigo haired friend of Lina's." Shyra greeted with a bubbly smile.

"Oh. Boy, were you right. She doesn't speak, she chirps." The indigo haired girl said, her widening as she gave Shyra a look over. The new girl twirled for theatrics.

"Approved." The unnamed girl said to no one in particular as she opened the door. "I'm Alessia. And in your English class."


"I'm not offended. I was all the way at the back in a little corner because I totally did my homework but fed it to a hungry stray."

"She sees the hungry stray everyday." Madeline told Shyra sarcastically. "I wonder how it's still hungry with all the homework she feeds him."

"It probably gets sick continuously, you know, trying to digest Sia's handwriting." A new guy said, coming up and wrapping one arm around Alessia and the other around Shyra.

"I forgot to laugh." Sia deadpanned.

"I'm John. The one you actually want to speak to. These two are trouble." He said as he took his second arm away from Alessia and all but pushed Shyra to a table in the middle of the cafeteria.

"So you're the new girl." A nasally voice came before John had a chance to introduce her.

"So you're already here to try to sink your claws in her." Madeline said, mimicking the girl's nasally voice as she and Alessia took a seat.

"We got you a fruit salad. Figured it was the safest bet. Unless you're allergic to something in there." Alessia said, passing her a tray with a rather apologetic face.

"Oh, I would've probably got this only. Thank you." Shyra beamed get a wide grin in return.

"I'm still here!" The nasally voice came. "I'm Lauren. Junior." She said. "But I totally believe in making good friends with the Seniors, you know...because-"

"Because you never know when you need people's old notes." A guy continued in a nasally voice.

"I'm not talking to you Daniels!" Lauren snapped. "You know what, I'm so sorry but I'll catch up with you around the end of lunch."

"Suuuuuurrrreeeeeeeeee." Shyra mumbled, stretching out the word as she starred after the girl.

"Hey John."

"Tunasia." He replied with a tight smile, making the mentioned girls smile wipe of instantly.

"It's Tuney!"

"What do you want?" Daniel asked her. "First Lauren, now you. Can't we make an introduction in peace?"

"Why would you want to introduce yourself to this one?" She asked, looking at Shyra like she was an insect. "She isn't the brightest and let's face it, quite well...not hot. Despite her failed attempt to be."

"She has all AP classes!" Lina said. "Literally all!"

"And she's way better looking than the likes of you. If I wasn't in a relationship, I'd totally hit on her." Lina continued.

"I'm in one and I still might hit on her." Alessia audibly muttered before taking a sip of her juice.

"All if you are going crazy!" Tuney said before leaving.

"Wait. That's all it takes to get her to leave. Telling her that you'd rather hit on someone else? Where's this bit of information been?" John asked.

It was then that the introductions were made. By the end, Shyra was quite certain she remembered all the names and quite happy with the people she could now call friends.

It was then that Caleb entered with a short, black haired girl.

"Ooh." Jacinda whispered. "There's the real goss. These are the Cullens. Or the Greek Gods, if that's what you prefer. They are Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's adopted children, quite a huge family, but loaded. In all sense of the word, with money, looks and probably a bunch other things that shouldn't be named." She pauses for a moment letting that sink in.

"They're all together. I mean, together. I don't know how Dr. Cullen and his wife allow it. I mean, they live together. And I doubt they have full time supervision." Simon continued.

"Anyways, the short girl with black hair. That's Alice Cullen. She looks like she lives in her own world, honestly." Simon carried on.

"And the gorgeous blond guy she's with." Jacinda broke in. "That's Caleb Cullen. He's also a bit weird. Not necessarily in a bad way, it's just...he, unlike Alice lives in the normal world but chooses to ignore everything in it. Quite pointedly. It's freaky."

"I don't know. I thought he was nice." Shyra shrugged as she picked a strawberry with her fork and popped it in her mouth.

"I'm sure he is. It's just no one on this table has talked to him. Or any of the others. And, that's a bit weird. It's like they have no social skills.

"I spoke to him. And the big one. Briefly. But they're nice." She told as took a kiwi.

"You...what..- never mind."Alessia said, shaking her head.

"Anyhow, the big one as you call him, that's Emmett. And you see the blonde ice queen with him? That's Rosalie Hale."


"Oh yes. She has a twin. A single twin. They're both foster kids. Mrs. Cullen is their aunt. I think."

"Who're they?"

"Let me get this clear. Don't waste your time." Jacinda said, her eyes gleaming with pleasure as she continued to gossip. "The blond is Jasper Hale, Rosalie's twin and the other one is Edward. They're both gorgeous. We haven't really been able to decide who's hotter though. They both have equal votes on this table.

"Honestly. It's no competition." Sarah said. "Edward hot in a sort of boyish, charming, make your heart accelerate kind of way. But Jasper's hot in a molten chocolate, witty, ladies man who'll make your heart skip a beat kind of way."

"Enough with that Sarah." Lina said. "She can decide who's hotter herself."

The entire table looked at Shyra who couldn't tear her eyes away from a certain golden eyed face.

"So." Daniel asked, forcing Shyra to look at him. "You're the tie breaker. What's the verdict, boss?"

"Hale." She finally said, looking at the Cullen table, popping another piece of Strawberry in her mouth.

Half of the table seemed to erupt in cheers as Alessia stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend who seemed quite happy with being on the 'winning side.'

But none of that registered in Shyra's mind as she looked at the Cullen table, Emmett and Caleb's booming laughter quite audible to her. Rosalie's arm wrapped around her partner's as she looked him affectionately as Alice giggled while saying something to Edward who seemed to be sulking and quite honestly on the verge of pouting like a child denied a new toy. Jasper Hale, on the other hand, had a smirk on his face. And the second his eyes met Shyra's, she knew, that smirk, that incredibly, inhumanly attractive smirk would be her doom.
I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I quite enjoyed writing it. Do vote, comment, follow and share. Let me know what you think and if you know someone who might like this story be sure to share it with them.

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