Chapter 5: Jasper Hale

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Hey guys! Not much to say so...Happy Reading!
Chapter 5
Jasper Hale

The end of lunch had Shyra wishing to see Jasper Hale once again. The thought of possibly not seeing him for another day seemed to sink her heart for no apparent reason.

However, whatever great powers existed, granted her wish and Shyra's heart skipped a beat as she entered her Biology classroom with John, only to find Jasper Hale already seated. She turned to introduce herself to the teacher, her face slightly red and breathing a little uneven.

The teacher signed her slip and instructed her to sit next to 'Mr. Hale'.

"Hey..I'm Shyra. Swan. Shyra Swan." She told him, hoping she didn't think she was retarded with the way she stumbled over her own name.

"Jasper Hale at your service." He introduced with a slight southern accent.

"Are you from somewhere in the South?" Shyra asked curiously.

"Why would you think that?" He asked, not unkindly.

"You have a slight I thought..." Shyra trailed off confusedly. She had watched enough movies to know what a southern accent was!

"Oh! You aren't wrong. My grandparents lived in Texas. I used to visit them a lot as a child." He told her.

"Oh, you and Rosalie must've been quite close to them then." She mused, after all, it's must've taken a lot of visiting to develop the accent.

"Rosalie never really visited Texas with me." He told her, giving Shyra a gut feeling that while he was being completely honest with her, he was hiding the truth by omission.

It was then that Mr. Banner started the class. They were to start the second unit which was Biochemistry. The very thought of studying that made Shyra groan.

"What is it?" Jasper asked her in an extremely concerned tone.

She gave the boy a tight smile. "I'm good at Chemistry and at Biology but when you put them together...I'm hopeless."

"That's not a problem. I can help with that. And I honestly doubt it'll be that bad." He whispered to her, making her feel all warm inside.

Having finished a subtopic about 8 minutes before the class ended, Mr. Banner decided to let the students leave instead of starting a new one and leaving it incomplete.

"That wasn't too bad." Shyra admitted, biting her lip consequently showing off her dimples as she gave Jasper a sideways glance after slipping her books into her bag.

"I'm glad to hear that darlin'." He smiled, making her turn red due to the endearment.

Jasper picked up her bag. "May I walk you to your next class?" He asked.

"Yes." Shyra said a little too quickly, very happy to have an excuse to be around him for any amount of additional time. "Please." She added as an afterthought as realisation of her enthusiasm hit.

The male gave her a wide grin and proceeded to ask what her next class was. 

"AP History." She informed him resulting in the widening of his grin.

"So do I." He informed her with a pleased smile. "My brother Edward is in the class too."

"He's the one with bronze hair, right?" Shyra asked, already knowing the answer.

"He is." Jasper confirmed. "What's your last class?"

"AP Economics." She told him with crossed fingers, hoping to have him with her by some miracle.

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