Chapter 8: A Walk In The Forest

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the super long wait! I'm not going to make excuses and get straight into the story. Happy reading!
Chapter 8
A Walk In The Forest

The majority of Shyra's afternoon and later, evening was spent thinking about the Cullens. The more she thought about them, the more convinced she was that they are hiding something. There was a part of her, telling her that she's overthinking and ultimately, that part of her won. Not because it was the logical part but because it was the part which was easier believe.

It was still about 6 in the evening when she decided to go exploring. She left Charlie a note and headed into the woods.

She, being the smarty she was, picked a stone and marked the trees to make sure she could find her way back. Except, it was Forks. It rained cats and dogs everyday so why would this evening be any different? She, having walked for about half an hour was quite deep into the forest and now, had no idea which way to go because she was terrible with direction in familiar places and this was one she had never wandered into before. She was staring at a tree, trying to figure out whether it looked familiar because she had seen it specifically or was it because all trees looked the same when she felt something cold (definitely not rainwater) in her shoulder.

She screamed and turned around throwing the stone at the person's face reflexively before recognising the familiar blond hair.

"Oh my God. I'm so so sorry..." she trailed off as she realised that the weirdest part of this wasn't that he had somehow found her in the middle of nowhere. That prize was taken by the fact that the stone had hit him square in the face and there was no bleeding, no bruising, not even a scratch.

"The stone hit you." She mumbled, suddenly feeling numb. "How the- I swear, as God is my witness, if-"

"I won't hurt you." Jasper whispered to her, wrapping a jacket, which he conjured out of nothingness around her. "I'll drop you home!"

"No! Stop." Shyra said, shrugging the jacket off. "First, I don't need a jacket, my clothes are soaked anyways. It won't help. Second, I have questions which need answering. Third, I can find my way home in my own. No, I'm not being stubborn, I know I'm not too far away now. I think I'm halfway home from wherever in the forest I was. I didn't take a lot of turns, just point me in the right direction since you seem to know the way out. Fourth, I think you're cute, you're really really handsome and I'd be blind to not see it and I've been drooling over you and will continue to and you'd have to be blind to not have noticed that. But. But, if you are following me, then I will report you. This only looks cute in movies. If you want to know anything, ask. But secretly following me and watching over me-for whatever reason, with whatever intention- without my consent is creepy and a bit obsessive and the thought of anyone doing that makes me uncomfortable. That said, if you finding me was actually a coincidence and you're just trying to help, I'm sorry."

"I understand. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I- I don't know what's wrong with me. And yes, I know the way out, just walk straight in that direction and then turn right when you see little reddish flowers." Jasper told her, pointing behind her.

"Alright! Thank you Jasper!" She said brightly, giving his arm a squeeze and turning around.

"Wait. You didn't even ask much and it's all okay just like that?" Jasper asked, confused and a bit shocked.

Shyra's smile showed off her dimples. "Believe me, I as a girl, have an alarm. I know which guys to steer clear of. And no guy with bad intentions, would have me alone in the middle of a forest, allow me to speak to them like that and then apologise and send me off."

"How do you know I'm sending you the right way?" He asked, smiling back.

"I saw little red flowers on my way in. As a little girl, I used to play near the edges of the forest with my friends when my dad accompanied us. He told me that those were only found in that area in this forest." She said, giving him a wink, before turning back and walking. "Thank you Jasper!" She called over her shoulder.

"Hey! Wait.." Jasper said, running up to her. "Give me your phone, please." He typed in his number and asked her to text him when she's home. "I know you can take care of yourself and-"

"And texting someone to let them know I've reached home safely does nothing to dispute that or curtail my independence." She said, smiling at him. "I'll expect a reply confirming the same from you." She told him, walking away.

"I like that one." Rosalie said, appearing beside him just moments later, grabbing his arm and squeezing it with a hug. "She's no pushover."

"Aren't you going to go after her and check that she's okay?" Edward asked him, breaking the sibling moment.

"She literally just said it makes her uncomfortable." Jasper and Rosalie snapped simultaneously.

"And I already made my opinion clear much earlier. Following anyone around is called stalking. I won't pose a twin to stalker."

Shyra, walked in, using her key to unlock the door, and texted Jasper that mission accomplished, she was home.

"Where were you?" Charlie asked, worry bear on his face. " I saw the note but then it started raining. I thought you'd come back."

"Long story short, I decided to bathe in the rain." Shyra replied. "Now, excuse me before I catch a cold." She said shivering, dashing upstairs.
Hey guys! Long time no see! I'm sorry, once again. Hope you like this chapter! Let me know what you think of her character!
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