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The three girls grinned at each other and turned back to me.

"I'm glad you asked that." Haesul said. "But first, we should introduce you to everyone so that there's no bad blood. No pun intended."

Jungeun face palmed and disappeared, leaving Jinsoul and Haesul with you. 

"Well anyway. Follow me." Haesul said and started to walk off.

I quickly followed her and walked beside her. 

"So you're wondering where you are yes? Well. Welcome to LOONA, a separate universe from the real world. Filled with vampires. Now how did we get here? That's where you found Hyejoo near our door to get to our realm. So it was quite easy for Hyejoo to bite you then bring here. But I can tell that you're going to be pretty strong since you put up a pretty good fight against Hyejoo, which no one ever does." Haesul said.

"Okay that's a lot. One, we're in a different universe? Two, the alleyway is where the worlds connect? Three, why?" I asked.

"Ne. Ne. And because she's one of the youngest and most are, well, scared of her." Haesul answered.

"She isn't that scary." I said.

"That's for reasons she will tell you." Haesul turned to you and stopped walking. "Everyone get here now."

9 other girls, including Jinsoul and Jungeun appeared in front of us.

"Gosh that's creepy." I mumbled.

"This is Y/n, our newest that Hyejoo got." Haesul gestured to me.

I thought in my head, this is some cult like shit.

"Oh yeah it seems like it, we know." A girl with bubblegum pink hair said.

"How did you, never mind." I cut myself off.

"Anyway she's staying here so introduce yourselves." Haesul said.

They all introduced themselves and I just nodded while looking at them before catching my eye on one of them.

"Wait I know you." I pointed Hyunjin.

"Oh yeah, hi." Hyunjin waved.

"You were the girl at the police station." I said.

"Yep. And it went well." Hyunjin high fived Hyejoo.

I mumbled under my breath as Haesul sighed.

"Aigoo, okay. Y/n follow me while I deal with them later." Haesul glared at the two girls who immediately stopped.

Haesul started to walk off again as I followed her.

"Sorry about them two. It's honestly a mess with them all. They act like I'm their mother." Haesul sighed.

"It's fine." I said in response.

"Anyway, you can share a room with whoever you want as most of us do. Then tomorrow a few of us will help you with teaching you and hopefully you can catch on quickly." Haesul said.

"I hope I will." I muttered. 

"Now before I continue to what exactly we will be doing to help you, you must know a few things." Haesul turned to you. "One, you are going to have a lot of different things happening to you as side affects from first being bitten, so don't worry about that. Two, don't argue with the girls, it will most likely end in a fight. Three, Don't try and go out into the open world by yourself when you're not fully taught. You will be noticed and killed in a instant without one of us with you. Four, some of the girls are dating so that is just so that you don't have one of them kill you for being with their girlfriend. Five, Since you were bitten by Hyejoo. Well. Never mind, I'll leave that one to her. Understood?" Haesul said.

I blinked a few times before nodding. "Yep."

"Good. Now we usually every night either go out to the town in the real world or stay here and watch a movie. For your first lesson, we will go out." Haesul told you.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Now I have to teach you something first so no one will recognize you. Because we don't need your friend finding you in your well, normal form." Haesul said.

"Okay?" I said more as a question.

"So we are able to transform into other people so no one will know ourselves when we are out in the real world. So I need you to do that. It's actually one of the easiest things to learn and do." Haesul said. "So first. Close your eyes and think of someone, not a real person but make up a person. Just keep imagining them and soon while your eyes are closed you will see the person you have made. Then open your eyes and you should look like them."

I nodded, taking in the information and did as she said. I closed my eyes and made up a random person then opened my eyes. Haesul looked at me in shock and nodded. 

"Wow. You did that really fast, and you have a good sense of style." 

"Thanks." I smiled slightly.

"Alright. Well the girls are ready and by the door. Oh and we can see each other the same it's just people in the real world who see you differently." Haesul said and walked off.

I followed after her and looked down at my hands. Sure they looked the same but they felt different. I mean I was now a fucking vampire. Is that normal? Hell no. I become a vampire and I can do weird things, and I'm now with a group of vampires. What a great life. 

But I think I'm enjoying it. 

My Vampire Love | S. HyejuWhere stories live. Discover now