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Yoongi POV

I stayed in my car while across the street from the alleyway that Y/n was at. It has been a couple of hours and missing people flyers were practically all around the town for everyone we had lost, including Y/n. I was on my phone when I heard people talking. It was about 11 at night and everyone was either asleep or at bars/clubs.

I turned my head to the right to see a group of 13 girls walking out of the alleyway. I got out of my car and walked across the street and stopped in front of them.

"Can we help you?" One of them asked.

"Yes. My name is Mr. Min and I'm one of the cops here. I wanted to ask a few questions." I replied.

"Okay." They nodded.

"Now where are you girls heading?" I asked.

"Downtown to the nearest club."

"Are you all of age?" I asked.

"Ne." They showed me their ID's.

"Why did you come out of an alleyway?" I questioned, getting tired of stalling.

"Oh we just came out of the apartment building. Our landlord doesn't let us out very late so we went out the back door." The same girl replied.

I nodded slowly and took note into their appearances.

"Are you girls new here? I don't think I've seen you here." I said.

"Oh yeah, we just moved here a couple weeks ago and decided to hit the town ya know." She smiled.

"Okay, well have a nice day girls. Don't drink and drive." I bowed my head and walked back to the car.

I sat down and put my head on the steering wheel, sighing to myself before checking my phone. Smirking as I recorded the whole conversation.


"You're friend is kind of dumb." Jungeun said to me.

"No he's not." I replied.

"And how?" Jungeun asked.

"Because he recorded the entire conversation. His hands were in his pockets where he keeps his phone." I answered with a small smirk.

"Well damn Ms. Police Officer." Sooyoung rolled her eyes.

"I am thank you very much." I told her.

"Guys stop fighting." Gaahei told us.

The three of us nodded and decided to shut up. Haesul kept walking until we stopped in front of a club. We followed Haesul talk to the bouncer as he nodded and let us in. We walked inside as I looked around it was filled with colors and loud blasting music.

I never experienced something like this before so yeah I was in some shock.

"Okay, if you want to split up go ahead. But try and find me if you need to. I need to talk to someone." Haesul told us and walked away.

"Have you all been here before?" I asked.

They all shook their heads and I felt a some relief as I wasn't the only one who was completely unknown to this place, just the whole scenario.

"Have you ever been to a club?" Heejin asked me.

I shook my head.

"Okay then I call taking you around here. If any of you want to join us, we will be at the bar." Heejin grinned and grabbed me before walking off.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we pushed through people.

"The bar. I am going to help you lose some nerves and have some fun." Heejin replied and sat down on a bar stool.

I sat down next to her as she ordered drinks and set one in front of me.

"What is this?" I asked while picking up the glass.

"Don't worry about that. Just tell me if you like it or not, if so then I'll get you another." Heejin smiled.

I nodded and quickly drank the shot before putting the glass down, feeling the alcohol burn my throat.

"Damn, besides the burn that wasn't very bad." I told Heejin.

"Great." Heejin said and poured me another glass.

I quickly downed it and looked around. "So this is what a club is like? Damn I had some stereotypes."

"Don't we all." Heejin nodded. "I'm gonna find Hyunjin, I'll be right back."

I nodded as Heejin walked off and I poured myself another glass, this time slowly drinking from it.

A guy sat next to me and smiled at me. "Hey there."

I turned to face him and smiled back. "Hi."

He was a fairly attractive guy, he had dyed red hair, a nice smile and was fairly muscular but still slim. He was wearing a black muscle shirt that showed off his arms and a pair of skinny jeans.

"Have you been here before?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Ah, well it's a good thing you chose this one, one of the best in Seoul." He smiled. "I'm Taeyong by the way."

I realized I shouldn't say my real name as I quickly thought of an alternative.

"Haeun." I smiled back.

"That's a very pretty name. Are you here alone?" He asked.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I shook my head. "No, I have some of my friends here as well. We split up though."

"Ah, that makes sense." He nodded.

I smiled with a nod and finished my glass.

"Wow, whiskey? You seem like a professional." He chuckled.

"Oh no, definitely not. far from actually." I laughed. "I don't usually drink."

"Me either, I only do sometimes." He replied and looked around. "Can I ask for a dance?" He asked.

I grinned at him and nodded before standing up with him, he reached his hand out and I grabbed it before walking out to the middle of the club with him.

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