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Reader POV

"I need to introduce to someone." Haesul told me, shaking me awake.

"Yahhhhhh, eonni!" I whined, pushing her away. "Let me sleep"

"No. Come on, they are already here." Haesul pulled me out of the bed.

"Ugh fine." I groaned, picking myself off the ground.

"Thank you." Haesul smiled and walked out.

I stood up and fixed my hair before walking out and seeing 12 girls standing in the living room. I recognized of them as we locked eyes and I tried to run back to my room, key word tried. Sooyoung grabbed me and held me back,

"I do not want to see her." I hissed.

"You have to." Jungeun pushed me back next Haesul.

I looked at them all before landing my eyes on her again, we both looked away.

"What is going on here?" Haesul asked.

"We know each other." I muttered.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Haesul questioned.

"It would be if there wasn't cheating involved." I said while looking Chaeyeon in the eye.

"Are you still on that?! I couldn't do anything." Chaeyeon sighed.

"Mhm okay." I nodded. "Then why is she here?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe this wasn't smart." Yeojin muttered.

"Doesn't look like it." Yerim replied.

"What is happening here?" Hyejoo asked, walking next to you.

"I'm not speaking to her." I told Haesul.

"Yes you will." Haesul nodded.

"I am not going to then." I shrugged.

The other eleven girls looked at Chaeyeon with confusion.
"It's a long story"

"Y/n." Haesul looked at me. "Explain."

"Ugh fine." I groaned. "So a little while back her and I were together, when we were humans. I find out she's been cheating for, how long was it, Chaeyeon?"

Chaeyeon looked down and muttered an answer, "5 months"

"Yeah. 5 months. And now you brought her back with the girl she cheated on me with." I finished.

Both sets of girls looked between you both, as awkwardness filled the room. It was as easy to cut a knife through it as daggers of glares were thrown.

"You what?" Haesul asked.

"Look, it wasn't a big deal. Really." Chaeyeon said.

I held my tongue from speaking and looked at the ground, running a hand through my hair.

"Are you sure it was nothing? Who's the other girl?" Haesul questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

The other girls gently pushed Sakura up next to Chaeyeon as Haesul sighed. "Great."

"It was just a big misunderstanding, okay? Really, it was." Chaeyeon said.

"Misunderstanding?" I asked. "That's what it was? How can a 'misunderstanding' last 5 months?" 

'Y/n you know I'm sorry okay.' Chaeyeon said.

'I can tell you're lying.' I replied.

'No I'm not, believe me.' Chaeyeon sighed.

'How the hell am I supposed to do that?' I asked.

'By this.' Chaeyeon finished.

The girls looked between you both before Chaeyeon walked in front of me, face to face. "Y/n, you know I'm sorry, okay? It was nothing. It didn't mean anything at all. I'm sorry that I didn't try and get you back, or. Do anything." 

The girls looked at you, awaiting an answer.

I sighed and shook my head, "You knew what I had gone through, and you did that. I do know you're sorry. I do, but I can't look at you the same ever again, If I do. I just see the person who I used to love, and who broke it apart."

"You're still not over it?" Chaeyeon asked suddenly.

I was a bit taken back as I raised my eyebrow. "I'm sorry but no. How the hell am I supposed to?"

"By realizing that I fucked up and forgiving me." Chaeyeon answered.

"I know you fucked up, you know that to. But I can't forgive you." I said.

"How? It wasn't a big deal." Chaeyeon added.

"Not a big deal?! How was it not a big deal?! To see my girlfriend who I loved kissing someone else?" I exclaimed.

"Because it had meant nothing! Gosh you always take things so dramatic then make them more than they have to be." Chaeyeon muttered.

The girls stood in front of you while looking at her.

"I think you should leave." Hyejoo told her.

"Why?" Chaeyeon asked.

"Because I said so, now leave before I hurt you." Hyejoo growled.

"No." Chaeyeon replied.

"What was that? Yes you will. Now." Hyejoo said.

"No I'm not, sorry for trying to fix this." Chaeyeon rolled her eyes.

"You don't deserve to fix this, or deserve her. Now leave." Hyejoo hissed.

"You implying you deserve her more than me?" Chaeyeon asked.

"I know damn right that you don't." Hyejoo answered.

Chaeyeon let out a quiet laugh and nodded, "Okay. Sure, sure. One of the most dangerous vampires and you bite her. Smart idea."

"Oh I'm sorry that I wasn't allow to do what I want." Hyejoo glared at her.

"Not when you try and take, my girlfriend." Chaeyeon replied.

"She isn't your girlfriend, now leave before I do something we both will regret." Hyejoo growled.

"Like you'll do anything that will affect your chances with Y/n." Chaeyeon smirked.

"Shut the hell up before I slice your damn throat!" Hyejoo yelled.

"Like you will." Chaeyeon kept her smirk.

Hyejoo muttered under her breath and grabbed Chaeyeon. "You know damn right I will."

'You really going to let her do this, Y/n?' Chaeyeon asked.

'Yes.' I replied without hesitation.

'God you're still a bitch' Chaeyeon muttered.

Hyejoo wrapped her hand around Chaeyeon's throat and growled. "Say that out loud I dare you, say it again. I can hear everything you fucking idiot."

"She. Is. Still. A. Bitch." Chaeyeon said slowly.

Hyejoo's eyes turned bright red as fangs started to show. "I will fucking kill you."

"I dare you." Chaeyeon challenged.

Hyejoo tightened her hand grip around her throat and smirked. "Gladly."

Chaeyeon looked fine as Hyejoo muttered under her breath.

"Let her go." Sooyoung grabbed Hyejoo, trying to pull her back.

"No. I'm almost done." Hyejoo said. 

The room went silent for a few seconds before Chaeyeon started to let out labored breaths, and gasps for air.

"Now will you leave?" Hyejoo asked.

Chaeyeon nodded quickly as Hyejoo dropped her onto the ground, "Leave. Now!"

Chaeyeon and the other girls rushed out, slamming the door closed. 

I hadn't noticed that I was digging my nails into my palms until Hyejoo walked up to me, lifting up my hands. "Come with me."

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