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I dropped Jinsoul and looked at her, "W-What did you say?"

"Haesul. Is your sister." Jinsoul repeated.

"No, no you're wrong. I don't have a sister. I-It was always just me and my brother. No one else." I denied.

Haesul stayed quiet, glaring daggers into Jinsoul.

"I'm sorry, I had to." Jinsoul muttered.

I turned to Haesul and looked at her, "tell me she's wrong. She's wrong right? You're not my sister."

"She's right." Haesul mumbled.

"W-What?" I asked.

"She's right. I am." Haesul said.

"No, no that's not true. I never had a sister! Just my brother!" I exclaimed.

"No, I. I'm your biological sister, mom and dad had me when they were young. When they said I would have a sister, I. I ran off. I couldn't handle the responsibility, which is when I first got bit, which is why they never told you or Hajoon. I'm sorry, I should have told you but I couldn't" Haesul explained.

All the anger that was originally in my body washed away as I stood still, shocked at the fact that Jinsoul easily read me and told me that I had a older sister. I looked at Haesul again before running out of the room, going to the front door before someone pulled me away, pinning me to the wall.

"What are you doing?" Hyejoo asked.

"What does it look like? Leaving." I told her, struggling through her grip.

"Stop struggling, you aren't leaving." Hyejoo said.

"You don't tell me what to do." I replied.

"Right now I can, because if you go out there, looking like yourself and run into your friend, what are you going to do? That's right, darling. You're a vampire, if you leave you die. So stop it." Hyejoo told me.

"I'd rather die than be a vampire." I spat.

Hyejoo's face dropped before letting go of me, "Fine, run off if you want. You won't last long."

I hesitated before walking off to the living room, sitting on the couch and resting my head on my hand.

I felt the couch dip slightly as I turned my head to see Haesul.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"I just wanted to talk to you, without Jinsoul." Haesul answered.

"What about? That you never told me that we were related, even now?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Look, Y/n I'm sorry okay? Finding you and Hajoon was the one thing I wanted to do." Haesul said.

"Don't bring him up." I muttered.

"Sorry, but I wanted to tell you, I really did. I just wanted you to get this under control first, then tell you. But Jinsoul beat me to it. I was going to tell you though, really." Haesul said.

I looked over at her to see her looking at the ground, I sighed before moving over closer to her.

"Okay, I can understand why you did what you did, and I'm sorry for overreacting." I admitted.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, or trying to contact you." Haesul said while looking at me.

"It's fine, eonni." I smiled slightly.

Haesul smiled back and hugged me, "Now you know I was protective."

"I thought you were just normally like that." I chuckled.

"Sometimes, but now to you all the time." Haesul said.

"Oh great." I said sarcastically with a eye roll.

"Mhm" Haesul hummed, "now. Let's not do that lesson with Jinsoul next time"

"Good call." I said. "Quick question though"

"Shoot." Haesul nodded.

"Where do I sleep?" I asked.

"Oh yeah!" Haesul stood up, "follow me."

I nodded and followed after her as she walked past all of the other rooms.

"Right here." Haesul opened the last door. "We already got you a bed and closet, you can decorate it though" 

"Thank you, eonni." I smiled at her.

"No problem, oh and by the way." Haesul said before walking out. "Make sure to get up early, people are coming over."

I nodded as she closed the door, walking out. I looked around before sitting on the bed, looking through my pockets, my phone wasn't there. Of course it wouldn't be anymore. It was probably lost or they took it, great. I'm so smart. 

I sighed and laid down, looking up at the ceiling, hearing a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Your favorite person ever!"

"You can come in, Yeojin." I replied.

The door opened as Yeojin walked in, sitting next to me, "Hi."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Well I just wanted to hang out with you." Yeojin smiled.

"That's it?" I questioned more.

Yeojin groaned, "Okay maybe not, I wanted to ask something."

"Okay, go for it." I nodded.

"Has Hyejoo eonni told you anything?" Yeojin asked.

I titled my head to the side and shook my head, "No. Why?"

"Nothing. Just asking." Yeojin smiled.

"Yeojin-ah." I said.

"Yes?" Yeojin replied.

"Spill." I told her.

"Fine, because one, something will happen because she bit you. Two, people are coming over tomorrow and you may possibly know them." Yeojin said.

"And how will I know them?" I asked.

"Because they're recent turnings." Yeojin replied.

"How recent?" 

"Pretty recent."

"Helpful." I muttered.

"Sorry, I don't get told many things." Yeojin shrugged.

"I wonder why." I rolled my eyes.

"Rude!" Yeojin exclaimed.

She tried to hit me before I caught her hand, looking at her with a small smirk, "It's not that easy to hit me."

"Police officer." Yeojin mumbled.

"Yep, now get out of my room." I pointed to the door.

"Ugh fine, I'm going to talk to Yerim eonni." Yeojin groaned and got up, leaving the room.

I chuckled to myself before laying back down, staring at the ceiling once again.

My Vampire Love | S. HyejuWhere stories live. Discover now