Chapter 3 Shes Back...

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Hey lovely readers! I hope you like this next chappie! I have school soon so I kinda want to do vsome chapters before I have school:)




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 YEARS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(This is before Cassie and her pack came to Colorado. ) 

Blaze's POV 

I miss Cassie. More than ever now. We couldn't find her. No matter how much I tried We just couldn't. I cant sleep. I can't eat. And now all I ever do is try to find her. I cry every night because shes not at my side. I miss her so much. Everybody knew she's my mate and they backed off we'll everyone but Amy. 

She thinks that shes everything but shes just an easy lay. I stopedplaying around with girls too. The only girl I ever wanted was Cassie. Last year dad gave me his position to be alpha since he think he failed Cassie for not finding her. Mom Stopped being so happy and outgoing and was always in her room and Bianca was diffrent she was always out running.

Then one night she came home and Daniel was with her. I asked what was going on and it tuns out my little sister and Daniel were mates. Seeing them happy and together made me just jealous because that should be Cassie and I but I just had to reject her. 

We we're attacked by Rogues yeterday and I called my friend from france Eleanor If she and her pack could help us train. I heard her warrior has never failed a battle with the rouges. I wonder who he is. 

~~~~~~~~~NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

My beta Daniel went to greet the pack while I finished some paper work of the territory. Then I smelled that smell of Mangos and Peach. MATE! MATE MATE! scream Matt. He hasn't talked to me in 2 years and now he does. 

I went outside and saw Cassie talking to Daniel. Shes back.  And then I saw a little girl who looked exactly like Cassie. My heart just shattered into more pieces. Did she have a child that wasn't mine? I mean I would of felt it. Cause you know when your mate slept with someone. But I would feel chest pains and I know she was with someone. And that broke me and she was ours she was suppose to be ours! He growled at me. 

I looked at Cassie and the little girl and went to Daniel and we helped them with their bags and little girl was helping and was smiling very brightly as if nothing was wrong. Her smile instatly changed the mood in the house. 

I then saw Amy sucking off Simon's face. Derick's face off. She still hasn't found her mate and she's doing that. I feel bad for her mate though. SInce he has to deal with her. The entire time Amy was gone she kept throwing herself at me. I just kept pushing her away. Her touched was repulsive and everything about her. 

 Daniel, Eric, and I were in the meeting room with Cam, James, And Cassie.  "Hello Alpha Cam." I said. Cam was Cassies older brother but he left to the pack in the france since his mate was Eleanor and I felt like Came hated my guts.  Cam nodded at me and said

"Alpha Blaze. We are here to help you and your pack get into shape now get your pack and get them outside and Cassie will start the drill once we're done unpacking." He said formally. My question was comfirmed he did hate me. But why Cassie?

"Why Cassie?" I asked 

"Because Cassie is our warrior and trainer in our pack." Said James. No way was Cassie the famous warrior who kicked ass. My mouth hit the floor.I was so surprised . Then Daniel said 

"Pround of you C" C? So they have nicknames? I was buring with jealousy. Daniel did tell me that they were kind of friend when she was here. But he didnt tell me about the nicknames.

"Thanks Danny." She said. Danny? Whoa. 

I went to my room and changed to basketball shorts and a black t-shirt. And some sneakers. Everyone we start training today and now get outside to the backyard and be ready.  I said through the pack mind-link. Thats the best part about being an alpha to me. Once I went outside everyone was there.Even Cam's Beta and the little girl on the porch while everyone was in ranks.  And then Cassie came out and yelled "EVERYBODY READY?" They all looked scared. Wow she's good. 

"Why do we need to listen to you?" Amy asked. I saw Cassie Narrow her eyes and walk up to her. Cassie really does look like the older sister now. 

"Do you wanna die?" She asked it a hollow voice. 

"No." Snapped Amy.

"Then let me see  you fight."Said Cassie and then Amy threw a punch at Cassie but Cassie dodge it in time and kicked her in the stomach making Amy fall to her ass and clutching her stomach. Dumb girl. Never mess with a warrior.  

After the drills everyone was so beaten down. We we're really out of shape. So she sent them to bed and everyone was in releif. I went to my room to take a shower and changed to shorts and a white t-shirt and then I saw mum,dad, and Bianca all happy. 

I haven't seen them this happy before in 2 years. Maybe Cassie was with them. And then I heard her voice " Miss me?" She asked smirking. 

I was speachless she was talking to me? I just smiled weakly. And then the little girl ran to me.

"Who awe ywu?" she asked . Wow she's adorable. 

"I'm Alpha Blaze."I said smiling.

"HI mr.Alpwa. Im Shwy." She said. Shay. Thats a pretty name. 

"Thats a pretty name Shay. Wheres your daddy?"  I asked her. 

"Thwnk ywu. Dwddy is wuth Unwle Cam and Awnty Elwwie and thwy're bwby."  She said. 

" Thank you Shay."  I said. 

I looked at My parents, Bianca, and Cassie. " I'm going to talk to the alpha." I said curtly and left. And I saw Cam, Eleanor, baby Harry, and James? 

James was the father?

Before I could think I shifted to my wolf form and attacked his without any thought. 






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