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       Percy and Jason took me to the park where we met up with Walt, Frank, Leo, and Will. Just thinking about him makes me blush. We walked over to where they were sitting and sat down. Well Percy and Jason sat down I climbed a tree and sat on a lower branch.
        "Hey guys what should we do?" Walt asked.
         "TRUTH OR DARE!!" Percy and Leo screamed.
        "No no no no no no no no no no no no." I said.
        "Truth or dare Walt?" Leo asked. I groaned.
            "I dare you to tell Nico how far you went with Sadie." Walt gulped. I looked at him.
         "Yea what did you do with my sister?"
          "I gave her a hickey." Walt muttered.
         "WHAT!" I screamed. "WTF man! If my dad finds out he's gonna flip."
        "No no no Nico don't tell your dad." He begged.
         "Fine but you have to stay 2 feet away from her this week." He nodded.
       "Frank truth or dare."
       "Tell Nico what Sadie told me about you and Hazel."
         "W-well s-she kinda told me a-about her p-period and how it hurt so I started massaging near her u-uterus."
          "Yes maybe. I couldn't stand to see her hurting so I wanted to help her."
           "Wtf man! First a hickey, now a period. Living with girls is hard." I heard a few grunts of agreement.
         "Leo truth or dare."
         "Dare man. McShizzle ain't afraid of a Chinese Canadian baby man." Frank smirked. "Oh crap."
          "You know that pond near Nico's house?" Leo nodded. "I dare you to jump in... naked." Then everyone busted out laughing.
          "Oh man that is good." Percy laughed. I chuckled and jumped off the tree. I led them to the pond and Leo undressed behind a tree. Then he ran and jumped into the pond. Percy threw him a towel and his clothes. (Leo's not Percy's) Once Leo was dressed we sat in the shade by the pond.
           "Ok... hmmmmm... Nico truth or dare. " I gulped.
          "Uhhhh... truth."
          Leo smirked. "What's your sexuality?" I blushed.
          "Leo! Seriously dude. What the hec-" Jason started.
          "Now now Jason he chose truth now he has to choose."
          "Ummm... w-well i-I'm .... uhhh." Then my phone rang. Hazel.

Please come home it's time for dinner.

      "Well I'd love to answer but I have to get home for dinner." I got up to leave but Leo pulled me back down. "Valdez let go."
       "No no no give me your phone." I shook my head. Leo grabbed my phone and texted.
Sry Hazel sleeping over at Leo's with the boys can you bring me some clothes

Sure. Luv u Neeks.

      "There done. Now you can answer."
    I looked around at everyone. What if they hate me?
    "Come on spit it out before you choke on it."
    "I'M GAY. THERE HAPPY!" I shouted. Everyone except Percy and Jason had looks of shock on their faces.
        "Nico... I-"
       "You what Valdez?! You wanted to publicly humiliate me didn't you? This is exactly the thing you'd pull." Then I got up and walked into the woods towards my house. But what I will realise later is....

I forgot my phone.

Nico di Angelo bullied and abused (solangelo)Where stories live. Discover now