Chapter 6-Its Time

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I waited in his room for what felt like hours, I had ran a few errands but I worried for him and wanted to be the first person he seen when he got back, so I sat on the bed and waited. Then I saw something poking out from under the pillow, it was the book he would never leave alone. I looked out the door through the small window to make sure no one was outside and I reached over to the top of the bed and grabbed it, flicking through the pages.

I soon realised it wasn't a book, but full of paintings, presumably his own. In the beginning I'll admit, they were quite disturbing, a dark figure with a blindfold over his eyes, the word L I E spread throughout the piece. But as I continued scanning, the paintings got progressively brighter, a bright sunflower painted into the iris of a girls eye and a girl fixing a vase of sunflowers on a windowsill...I stopped for a moment. That couldn't be, me? I shake my head. No, no way.

Then I saw the last one, my particular favourite, it was a huge sunflower field with a boy running leading a girl into it with him from behind, holding her hand, guiding her into the sunset. It was truly stunning, before I could even find the time to appreciate the piece in its entirety, I hear footsteps in the corridor and immediately placed the book back underneath the pillow, my heart racing a million beats a minute.

Then, Jimin enters the room and I stood up to greet him, he seemed fine. I ask "How did it go?" He sighs "it went okay, results should be back in a few hours." He plonked himself down onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I could tell he didn't really want to talk to me, so I just decided to clean up the place a little instead of irritating him more, I began cleaning the sink and made my way over the windowsill to wipe it down, as I look out the window, I feel a pair of strong hands wrap around my waist and my breathing hitches "J-Jimin? W-what are you doing?" He leans his chin on my shoulder and sighs deeply, I feel his hot breath on my ear and it makes my heart flutter.

"I'm sorry for earlier...that new guy, he just-, he didn't give me a good vibe okay?! He was too....close to you. I, didn't like it." I'm dumbfounded as I stare out the window at the city below. Did he really just say those things to me? Is he really this close to me right now? Or am I being totally deluded?! I try to laugh it off as I reply "It's- it's not as if he liked me Jimin, he's just new here and he needed help getting to your room, that's all" "But you see that's not all-"

I hear footsteps out side and I quickly separate myself from Jimin, patting my uniform down trying to compose myself. Jin enters and immediately says "I've got some good news Mr.Park! Your scans came back great! Your improvement over the past 3 weeks has been tremendous according to your records. You're available for discharge tonight!" I stare at Jimin worryingly as Jin continues "Y/N you'll be assigned a new patient in the morning! Hopefully you'll stay in the same ward, I'd love to get to know you more." He smirks at me and I smile awkwardly in response. I look back over at Jimin, I see his anger progressively building and I hear him say "Is that all, doc?" Practically spitting out the final piece of the sentence.

Jin realises and decides it may be time to go, "Yup!" He knocks the back of the clipboard he's been holding as the awkward tension mounts, then says "well have a nice evening! Your parents will arrive in a few hours, they've been notified." He looks to me and bows "Y/N." I then return the favour and he exited the room. I let out a deep sigh, I was devastated. He was really leaving, what if I never see him again? I decided not to let my thoughts get the better of me and stay positive, for him, always for him. "Wow, that's amazing Jimin! Congratulations! You must be so happy!" I try to contain my emotions "Now don't you worry about anything. I'll pack your things for you. You just relax okay?" No response. "Okay."

I began opening his drawers and placing his items into a suitcase, my hands were shaking, I couldn't help it. As I fumbled through the drawers I felt his presence take over mine, he began to move his hands from my shoulders down to my hands and grabbed the both of them, stopping me from packing his things. I let out a heavy breath as i feel myself about to let out my emotions. I turn my body around to face him, I see the tears forming in his eyes as he looks at me endearingly, my heart sank and I began to cry, he pulled me into a tight embrace and rested his chin on top of my head, I could feel his tears dampen my soft hair as we both released our buildup of intense emotion. We hugged in complete silence. Not one word was needed, the quiet spoke for itself..

Story Of A Sunflower- PJMWhere stories live. Discover now