Chapter 1

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(Hey guys I really hope you enjoy my new fanfiction and I'll try to keep up with daily updates. Please give this book a vote and enjoy!!) and sorry for typos!!

-Maddie's POV
It's my first day here at Northwood university in Melbourne ( I made it up.. Idk of its real??) and I'm really excited I can't wait until I meet some friends. I'm normally really good at making friends so it may no be much of a struggle. The car trip is quite whilst I sit next to my dad, every sign we pass that says (Melbourne Uni) I shake and wonder what it will be like. My dad pulls into the car park and he warns me to be careful what choices I make. I roll my eyes and I give him a hug goodbye then I step out of the car. I watch him as he pulls out from the car park, I turn on my heel and walk towards the reception door, as I open the door I am greeted my a group of people. "Hello, I'm Ashton Irwin, so your the new girl." A good looking boy says to me, "Hey, I'm Maddison nice to meet you!" I reply. "Maybe I can show you around sometime?" Ashton says "sure I would love to!" I say happily. I check myself into the reception desk and I grab my schedule for the day, then I follow Ashton down a long corridor, until we stop I front of a room with the number 22 on the door. "This is your room, you share it with another girl named Melanie she is really nice." Ashton tells me as he opens the door for me. "Thanks, do you mind if I hang around with you for the rest of the day?" I ask him, "sure i'l show you some of my friends." He replies. I place my bag down on the empty bed and follow Ashton out the door. "Thanks Ashton." I tell him "that's ok, you can just call me Ash of you want. ." He replies, "okay, you can call me Maddie or Mads." I tease him. He laughs, we end up leaving my room and heading down another corridor, which leads to a room with couches and a bar, "hey Callum!" Ashton yells to a boy sitting at the bar "hey Ashton! Who is this?" The boy says whilst pointing at me, "that's Ally, she is the new girl here" Aston says, "hi Ally I'm Callum nice to meet you!" Callum says to me and shakes my hand. " nice to meet you too" I say in return. " I have to go now but I'll see you around soon!" He says to me, he leaves with a wave and Ashton and I having a drink and talking about random stuff! " it's getting late I should be going now" Ashton comments, "me too I should head off aswell" I reply. We both awkwardly hug and go separate ways.

As I open the door to my room I see a girl sitting on a bed with a boy and another boy sitting on the floor, "Hey you must be Ally!" The girl says to me " yeah, how do you know my name?" I ask her. " it's says it on you bag!" She says while laughing, how do I make people laugh so often I didn't really think I'm funny. "You must be Melanie, Ashton told me." yeah nice to meet you these are my friends, Michael and Luke," Melanie says whilst introducing me to the boys. I walk over to my bed and start to unpack. Melanie and one of the boys who I think is Michael are talking on her bed whilst the other boy who must be Luke, turns around to face me, then He grabs a chair from inside the closet and places it in front of me, he sits down and lifts he said to Speak to me. " how long have you been here" he says to me, "only a few hours" I reply, " same I just moved here from Sydney, what about you?" He says "Melbourne" I say "by the way if you didn't already know Melanie and Michael are dating," Luke tells me' "I can see that'" I say to him. Melanie and Michael were hugging only a second ago now there making out on her bed. Luke is really cute he has brownish blonde hair a blue eyes, he is wearing a tank top with black skinny jeans.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, I must have zones out or something because he looked puzzled, "yeah I'm fine" I reply. "We will be back were just getting drinks" Melanie says to me and leaves the room, I walk to the bathroom and put my toiletries on the bench the place my towel on the rack, " I'm glad I made another friend, I don't really want to be the loner with no friends." Luke says to me, I nod in agreement and tell him that I'm glad too. We chat for another hour when Melanie and Michael stumble through the door drunk, the they start making out again..

"Do you maybe want to come back to my room and talk because these idiots will be here all night, and my roommate is arriving in a few days so we will be there alone" Luke tells me "sure" I agree and we walk out the door and make our way to his room. When we enter the room and he turns the lights his whole side of the room is covered in posters and shelves and shelves of books and CD's, "wow you have a lot of music!" I tell him "yeah I know I'm a hoarder" he replies while giggling, I start to laugh, "have you ever had a boyfriend?" Luke asks me, breaking the silence, "yeah once, but he was a dick, he treated me like shit and I couldn't break up with him unless he would threaten to bash me and my mum, we ended up calling the police because he scared us, I had nightmares about what could of happened if I broke up with him and I could picture him bashing my mum with a baseball bat" I tell him while sobbing, "I'm really sorry to hear that, if I was him I would never treat you that way," Luke tells me and I smile up at him, he then realises that I was crying so he stands up to give me a hug, his warm and his body connects perfectly with mine, he puts his finger under my chin to lift my head so we are making eye contact, "everything will be okay, he is gone and your safe" Luke tells me, we break out of the hug and sit down on the bed. " do you maybe want to grab dinner with me sometime?" Luke asks me, I wipe aways my tears, "sure I would love too!"

Luke and I spend hours talking when I realise that it is 12:30 AM and as I tell luke that I'm tired and I going back to my room, he grabs my arm and pulls me into him, and I stare up at him, confused. "I'm sorry" he apologises "No, it's ok don't apologise, I was actually kinda fun," I say back, "thank god! That would have been awkward" Luke says back to me and we both laugh and smile, he then opens the door for me and gives me one more hug and I leave his room quietly and make my way back to my room, I open the door and I see Melanie and Michael pasted out on the bed together, drunk idiots.

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