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Lances p.o.v still

 I bet he spent a good few minutes staring at me till I started staring back.

Then, this intriguing stranger got up and swam away, I followed him with my eyes and smirked. 

He looked back and I stared straight into his purple eyes. Damn. there's that cute blush again, but it looked as if it was an even darker shade of red.

He looked away and started swimming again. No way was I gonna let a beauty like that slip away.

(**Time skip to a few days later**)

'Uuuggghhh finding people is so hard' i thought. another day went and the search for this mystery mer-man. I needed some council.

 "HUNK" I called out. He was my best childhood friend, even now at 17 years old he still puts up with my whiny bullshit. He came into my room.

 "whats up lance? Or more specifically, what's bothering you?"

I just let it all out. How I saw this one boy at the gathering a few days ago and how I couldn't stop thinking about him and how I couldn't find him in the village at all.

I finished with, "Hunk, I think I like him"

He looked shocked, he knows about my bisexuality, so does my dad and he's okay with that, but he's always seen me occasionally flirting with girls around the castle.

And sure, I've had a few crushes before, but I've never felt so much emotion towards someone else.

Hunks P.O.V

Wow. just wow. I've never heard lance talk about somebody like this before.

I don't think lance likes this guy, he loves him. But of course, I'm not going to mention that, its for him to figure out. 

"Maybe ask some of the locals if they've seen him around? If you want I could come to help you?"

 "Yeah, thanks hunk, your help is greatly appreciated.

Maybe we could start searching again tomorrow after the visits?" lance questioned. 

"Of course bro, you know I'll help you whenever"

"thanks bro" I left his room, wow it's pretty late.

I went to bed, hoping we could find this mysterious guy before lance start full on ranting about him.

**Next day**

LAnces P.O.V

I kept asking the locals, and they kept saying that he was weird and that 'you don't want to bother with him he's pretty anti-social.' None of the people I asked were helpful in any way. 

Hunk and I went further out of the village, but not very, and saw this lovely little house, not a shack.

It was white and grey. I knocked on the door, with hunk slightly behind me.

A woman opened the door, then recognition flashed across her face. 

She bowed, "prince lance! How may I help you on this fine day?"

 " I was wondering if you knew the location of a certain mer-man. I don't know his name, but he has a raven black mullet, sharp claws, oh, and his tail is an unusual shade of red." I described him, hoping she would know who I was talking about. 

"Oh you must mean Keith!" she exclaimed. Keith huh, so that was his name. Cute.

" he lives in a little shack way out of town, roughly 15 minutes west from here. Why?"

 " Oh, no reason. I just need to.... Discuss something with him" she nodded

" have a good day ma'am! And thanks!"  

 I looked to hunk, he knew what I was going to do. I nodded, he nodded.

We began swimming west, me hoping I could find this mysterious 'Keith'.  


590 words? wow, I've upgraded. 

just kidding this might be one of the longest chapters tbh. 

ughh season 8 killed me like klance was my OTP and now... nothing. 

what Allura did for was a great sacrifice for the universe and I respect her so much for that. and ig honerrva is okay, I mean she was just trying to get to her family while destroying all other realities in the process. what could go wrong?

 Can somebody please explain the altean markings on Lance's face tho?

ok, thanks for reading(of not reading) my ranting.

Have fun and stay strong!

I'm gonna yeet myself into the astral plane

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