We Met at The Krab

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I had been driving for what felt like ages. Five long days, and five long nights, just to go to one place. Who knew the Bikini Bottom was so vast? So wide and endless? I had been driving for such a long time, and today I finally arrived at my destination; The Krusty Krab. Seafolk from all over the place would flock to this famous burger joint, just to get their hands on a delicious Krabby Patty. I myself, have never tried one, but I have been told that they are the finest delicacy in the whole ocean.

When I arrived at The fabled "Krusty Krab", I hopped out of my car, and stared up at the large clam-shaped sign in awe. The big purple shell held up large red letters, spelling out "THE KRUSTY KRAB". My mouth hung open, so wide that it hit the ground with a loud "klang". I had been waiting for this day for my entire life. I had dreamed of nothing but coming here, to this restaurant every night since I was small, and none of this felt real to me. The Krusty Krab, home of the Krabby Patty was right in front of me. I could see it with my own two eyes. The feeling was exhilarating. My wildest dreams were going to come true today. I was going to eat. I was about to eat the legendary Krabby Patty.

I walked into the building through the glass doors. I could immediately feel the difference as I transitioned from the cold winter sea into the warm heated water inside of the restaurant. I walked forward, one tentacle after the other, being careful about where i stepped, making sure I wouldn't risk falling down and embarrassing myself to the point of no return. If I fell, I would be so ashamed that I could never bring myself here ever again, and I would never get my Krabby Patty. I carefully made my way to the end of the long, winding line, full of sea folk from across the pacific.

I was about half-way to the front of the line, when I first looked at the boat-shaped front counter. There was only one man standing at the cash register. I stared in awe. He was the sexiest creature I had ever seen. That was moment I first saw all of his long, moist tentacles, his thick, dangly nose, and his large blue lightbulb-shaped head. His fair blue hue made me blush, turning my fishy face bright red. He was the most beautiful squid man I had ever seen.  I instantly fell for this sexy beast.

As I inched closer to the counter, I panicked more and more. What was I going to say? What was I going to order? I rehearsed in my head over and over.
Two Krabby Patties, and a medium kelp juice. Two Krabby Patties, and a medium kelp juice.
Two Krabby Patties, and a medium kelp juice.
Two Krabby Patties and a medium kelp juice? A medium? What was he going to think? That I'm some sort of kelp juice obsessed weirdo? I rehearsed once more.
Two Krabby Patties, and a small kelp juice.
Okay. I thought, mentally finalizing my order. I can do this. I am ready. Im going to tell him my order then I'm going to ask for his number. I got this! Then I heard his voice call out "Next in line please!"

I walked up to the counter, I was a mess. My palms were sweaty, my knees weak, arms were heavy, I hated myself already, I wasn't ready. It felt like it took ages for me to walk from the end of the line to the edge of the counter. I made it over feeling lightheaded. I held the close edge of the counter to keep my balance as I ordered. You got this! I thought to myself. You can do it! Two Krabby Patties, and a small kelp juice.

I opened my mouth to order, but what came out was not what I expected. What I meant to say was "Two Krabby Patties, and a small kelp juice please", but I changed my mind when I started saying it so I was going to say "Two Krabby Patties, and a large kelp juice", but what I really said was "A small Pabby Kratty, and to schmelp cuice".

I was mortified. My tongue felt numb and i almost collapsed. I stared at the beautiful squid behind the counter for a second, staring into his shining orbs, waiting for his response, which I thought would be a "What?", or perhaps a mocking laugh of some sort, but he didn't do anything of the sort. His pale blue hued face kept the same bored, yet charming expression, as he said in a sexy, deep, nasal voice "Okay, so two Krabby Patties, and a medium kelp juice. Is that all?"

I stood there, stunned. He had understood my embarrassing gibberish, and he didn't even seem to notice! He wasn't phased! He even knew what size I really wanted even though I didn't say it. I blushed a little more, turning a fluorescent shade of scarlet, and said in a quiet voice, almost a whisper, "Yeah, thank you sir", then he said "Could you please give me a name for the order?" And I quickly replied "Yes, of course", and held my head a little higher so I could look him straight in the eyes. "my name is y/n-chan".

Tentacles of Clarity(Squidward x reader)Where stories live. Discover now