First light

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Vega's POV

It's nearing dark and me and Delph are trekking through the dangerous dark Quag, it is full of scary beasts and the things that mothers warn their children about. Although I was in safe hands with destin and the elemental in my pocket surely nothing could harm me.

With this thought it was time we got some rest and Delph looked like he needed it. "Wotcha, Vega Jane" his soft voice caught me off guard in the dead of night. "We need some rest and I was thinking of climbing one of those big branched trees" I spoke as I glanced to the left at a big oak tall and sturdy and since I had destin getting up there would surely be no problem.

"Good pla---" Delph barely had time to reply before I grabbed his hand and hovered up to the biggest branch I could see and anyway it was more like a platform than a branch, this tree must be at least a thousand years old as I thought to myself clearly not paying attention to Delph who was staring right at me with his piercing blue/green eyes. "What is it Delph?" I questioned.

"Oh Vega Jane" he replied. "So beautiful and strong" I couldn't believe my ears at this. Delph never talks about me or himself for that matter. I got the same feeling as I did just before we got into the Quag when he looked at me like he is now.

I was sitting just inches away from him and the gap slowly closed between us. Neither of us could hold back the feeling that has been hidden for so long almost forgotten piled underneath all that has happened in the last year. When our lips touched it was like everything was going to be okay, we moved in sync with each other as the sounds of the night encased us in a bliss that could go on forever. As we broke apart for air I moved some of his hair out of his face and whispered "I'm so glad it's you Delph, I wouldn't want anyone else in the world." He looked at me then smiled and spoke " Vega Jane I wouldn't change this for all the gold in heaven."

That night I fell asleep in his huge arms and listening to his heartbeat, this is a night I will never forget how we were surrounded by so much horror and terror and light shone in the darkest of places because of him, Delph the greatest boy I will ever know.

The Following Morning

I decided on starting to prepare some food I packed down on the forest floor for breakfast as Delph was still asleep as I woke this morning. A loud clunk and a muffled cry came from above and I laughed to myself probably for the first time in all my years."Vega Jane where are youuuu?" Came the first words spoken this morning he was obviously joking as I could see his head peeking over the side of the great branch." Why don't you come down and find me?" I teased knowingly that he didn't have destin so he could not get down without my help.

'Crack' came a noise from behind I spun round but nothing was there I called out "Delph are you there?" No reply came back. I reached for my Elemental and willed it to its full sword size. A swoosh was heard to my right but still nothing visible that I could see. Maybe it was a flying jabbit or an Amaroc gone bad in the evil of the Quag? Or maybe......'Crash!' I was lying smothered on the ground covered by a great big heavy object on me I slowly opened my eyes preparing myself for the worst. 3..2....1... DELPH!!! You idjit what the he'll do you think you're doing. "I was trying to fly down to you using destin since you forgot and left it up on the branch last night so I thought I'd use it but it's far harder than it looks." I said as he looked pleadingly into my eyes. "It's a good thing I didn't take a stab at you with the elemental or you'd be dust!"

After I became aware of the fact that we probably caused quite a commotion and some things would be after us by now I thought it best if we keep moving and try and find some fresh water to fill up our bottles with.

Sorry it's short but it's my first chapter and I wanted to see how it goes comment any improvements xx -JW

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