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Delph's POV

As I awoke I found a very naked Vega Jane laid across my chest and still sleeping. I smiled and chuckled to myself as I remembered the events of last night, nothing could compare to that feeling of pure bliss and her face when I took my boxers off she looked so amazing and happy and that is what makes me so happy. I took in a deep breath and sighed deeply if was a wonderful life which only we could afford out here in the Quag. I let my head fall back and I stared at the beautiful blue of the sky with whisps of cloud and sun that shined the brightest in the fairy land place I could never have imagined

I was cut from my thoughts as a weary eyed Vega Jane stirred on top of me and stared at me with her doe eyed look and it made me shiver with excitement. She noticed this and moved up closer to my face she whispered " for a beast tamer, you are easily turned into a wild animal Delph and it showed last night very clearly" she always teases me and now she has a new topic. I breathed in her scent and replied holding back a laugh " well Vega Jane if you want the beast again just let me know but I'll have to check my schedule" I looked over her features as she stifled a laugh and threw me a disgusted look which as always turned into a small grin and big green eyes that seemed content with a world where only us two existed.

She looked down to see she was lying on my chest, "oh my gosh have I been lying on you all this time? I must be so heavy I'm so sor-- " that was enough I stood up and picked Vega Jane up and flipped her over my shoulders and walked back through the willow trees to the lakeside with a screaming Vega shouting curses at me and I just spoke over the top of her saying " I'm sorry Vega Jane but you don't ever have to say sorry to me again" at this she quieted down and I placed her in front of me looked her in the eye and said "but since we are here anyway and to prove that you don't need to apologise to me I'm gonna apologise to you" I smiled triumphantly as unaware as to what I was about to do next." Delph, what are you meant to be apologising for? She asked and I just whispered "this" as I picked her up and threw her into the lake laughing and then I dived in after her.

Vega's POV

I thought when he whispered this he meant us being together and everything that happened had it been I lie until I felt strong hands grasp me at the waist, pick me up and throw me in all I could think was Delph is going to pay for this. As I came to the surface of the brisk morning water I looked to find Delph at the lakeside but he wasn't their. I panicked thinking a Jabbit could have got him of a colossal until and arm wrapped around my stomach from behind and pulled me towards it and spun me so I met a pair of lips so soft that they could never be anyone else's I pulled away and instantly felt the loss but he had to be taught a lesson for throwing me in the lake in the first place. I tutted at him and swam off in a different direction I could feel his eyes in the back of my head but this was going to be a fun game.

As I was still naked this played to my advantage greatly, I swam to some rocks and pulled myself up and lay on top of them displaying everything so he could see and it worked he swam over to the rock below me and shouted up " how's the view up there because it's sure great down here " I chuckled to myself and stood up from the rocks and walked over to a low hanging tree and climbed on to the lowest branch and sat there waiting for him to follow and he sure as hell did. "There are many sights to see here but only one main attraction which unfortunately isn't operational right now" I spoke loudly this was because Delph had actually bothered to put his boxers back on. His smile turned to a mischievous grin as he made his way towards me he clearly fighting the urge to tackle me to the ground and having me right here right now. I stepped down from the branch and walked right up to him letting him inhale my scent as I kissed his cheek then his ear then started to nibble his lobe and I definitely knew I had found another of his sweet spots because of his sudden jolt and release of a ragged breath.

It was minutes of nibbling his ear and exhaling uncertain breaths before I ran off back down to the side of the lake and walked slowly and gracefully into the water which was I slight bit warmer than earlier already. I sank down so only my shoulders were visible and sank even lower so my head was submerged and I felt my face cool down and clear of the dirt and sweat from the previous night. At this point I rose back to the surface and opened my eyes and in a swift motion to see a shimmering Delph floating on his back in the water with his eyes open. "Vega Jane it seems you have been trapped" I looked around to see myself standing near the edge of the lake with Delph cornering me against a small rock face he carried on "and since I have already apologised I would like to formerly say your little game has been fun but now it's time to take my prize he turned in the water and stood up. But something was a little off with Delph his eyes they weren't the usual blue green they seemed to be more blackish grey. Then suddenly Delph seemed to grow taller and thinner and blonder as he started to take the shape of Morrigone an enchantress from back home who betrayed my trust and took my brother from me. She also gave Delph his stutter when she cast a spell on him to make him forget about my uncles event and so far as I know death.

"Vega, how lovely to see you" she seethed I returned the complement by smiling even though the look in my eyes was disgust. "It seems that you have done well since you left achieving nothing but killing a few beasts and entertaining yourself with Daniel Delphia for the best part." She said this with a gesture to my naked body, I instantly covered up and sank lower into the water. "Maybe it wasn't my intention to get anything done maybe it was just my intention to get away from you and the horrible council you have under you fingertips," I sneered "all you ever did was make my life hell and what have you told my brother that I suffered an event just like the rest I hope you're very happy with your stinking life back home and I suggest you leave now before I completely destroy you." She looked shocked and overwhelmed, I smiled at what I had said and the reaction it got. Her face suddenly contorted into one of extreme pain as from the side came an arrow which lodged itself in her side she started glowing and then fading it seems as if she was going somewhere else or what ever, the good thing is that she is gone.

I turned to see the shooter standing tall and sweating on the lakeside breathing heavily.

"Oh My Gosh I didn't know you did archery" I exclaimed as Delph hugged me tight. "Well I learnt when I was younger and I made this bow out here thinking we could catch small animals to eat or something" he whispered frantically checking to see if I was hurt. "It's ok Delph I'm fine" I said but he still wouldn't stop fussing so I grabbed his arms and locked them around my back and before he could realise what I had done I slammed my lips into his for just a few seconds before he stopped moving and just looked shocked. "Delph, hello are you in there" I waved my hand over my face and he suddenly sprung into life and his lips and tongue roamed my mouth passionately while his hands hooked under my legs and lifted me up and pushed me against a nearby tree. My heart was hammering and so was Delph's. Pleasure jolted right up my body as he grasped my stomach finding my sweet spot once again. As soon as we started, we stopped as I remembered Morrigones words that we had not yet completed anything."Delph we must carry on our journey into the Quag and to try and find the end." And with that I walked off pulling his hand back to the overhang where we got changed picked up our stuff and headed south in completely the opposite direction of home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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