Fight of the Falls

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Delph's POV

I awoke to a peaceful lakeside or what I thought was a peaceful lakeside. I was facing Vega my arms wrapped around her torso and hers wrapped around mine, she was truly beautiful, that is a fact no one can deny. I waited a while until Her eyes started to flutter as she moved her free arm up to my cheek and started tracing my cheek bones. "Wotcha Vega Jane" I casually said not to loud as she just woke up the reply I got was "ehhh hmmm even better that you're here with me Daniel Delphia" "ooooohh how unusual proper names what's wrong?" I couldn't help but tease her because her lips went into a adorable pout which I planted a kiss on which made her smile. She looks so amazing when she smiles I wish this moment could last forever but unfortunately that is never the case as a loud screech sounded close by and at least a hundred foot falls from some giant creature approaching this was not a little problem but a very big problem a very big problem indeed.

I scrawled across he overhang to get to our weapons I chucked the elemental and destin to Vega Jane and grabbed my sword in the process ready to fight of any unimaginable creatures. 3 seconds.....2 seconds..........1 second. Everything went silent as I peered around the side of the overhang and I could barely stifle a gasp as there stood a huge Flying Whist with ten legs and wings with the span of the lake for size.

Vega wrapped destin around her waist and took off try and find the beasts weak spot whilst I distracted it by running around it in circles and this seemed to confuse it immensely. But obviously not enough as it took a swipe at me before I managed to decapitate two of its legs. This made it unbalanced and harder for it to move. To my right vega sliced down one of the Whists great wings with an almighty rip and a tear with a screech of pure torture coming from the beast. This beast could no longer fly.

Vega's POV

In a flurry of wing and head I caught a glimpse of something gold and emerald, this could be the legendary weakness said to be obtained by the greatest beasts of all and this was at least three times the size of an Amaroc or a Jabbit. Whilst Delph was fighting it down below I swooped in for a closer look and there it was this was my only chance to slay the horrid beast that towered before us. I took a plunge and sword first shot through the sea of gold and emerald and straight through its stomach and out at the bottom meaning I had about half a second to fly upwards using destiny otherwise I would be crushed under the colossal weight of the Flying Whist.

I looked down to assess any injury situations and it appeared that I was fine apart from my left thumb which looked a tad broken or bent in the wrong way. I was to busy concentrating on my thumb to realise that I was flying straight for Delph. "Lookout Vega Ja--" was all Delph managed to yell before I came tumbling into him completely squashing him on the floor.

"Sorry Delph " I mumbled giving him a quick peck on the nose before stumbling off him to go find the adder stone and heal my thumb. He desperately came after me and spun me around on the spot." Call that a kiss Vega Jane? I don't think so." He said as he pulled me into his embrace and our lips touched and it ignited us both on fire. After what seemed like forever we tore apart with ragged breath as our lungs screamed for more oxygen.

We headed over to the overhang to reach the adder stone and I quickly got to work as I held it over my thumb and thought about that kiss the first kiss me and Delph shared. When I was finished I looked up at him and he smiled knowingly of my thoughts, I offer the stone to Delph but he doesn't want it then he finally says " I overheard from my dad once that Whist meat is one of the very few beast meat you can actually eat" so I thought if I could get a fire going with one of the matches I've brought we could have a cooked meal this night and how wonderful that would be I thought to myself how wonderful indeed.

Later that night

The fire was cooking the meat well and to be honest I had no idea how it was going to taste, however, it did not matter to me for I was beside Delph and I think I love him more than anyone in the whole universe. This was true although I did not want to admit it to Delph yet so I avoided that subject like it was the plague. Since there was plenty of meat Delph and I gorged ourselves on it and despite my expectations it truly was delicious.

Once I was satisfied I decided I needed a wash because my clothes smelt like the inside of a Whist's stomach so what better way of cleansing myself than going for a swim in the lake. I went to the rocks closer to the water to change then I rinsed my outer layer and lay them out on the rocks before diving into the blissfully cool water which rippled in the Noc's light. I have no idea what Delph did whilst I was swimming alone so I decided to creep round the back of the overhang and I peered in, he wasn't there though.

There was a sharp tap on my back and I slowly turned to see Delph standing there with the biggest grin in all of the world." Come with me" he said handing me some dry clothes.

Delph's POV

I was so excited to show her about what I had been getting up to whilst she swam without me. I picked up her scarf and tied it round her eyes so she couldn't see."Delph," she muttered "where are we going?" I replied secretively "just walk I won't let anything happen to you, promise." I lead her around the lake and through some low hanging weeping willow trees into and opening lit only by the moon light.

I slowly slipped her scarf off and showed her where we were. Vega Jane stood there in shock at the beauty of this place as it was enclosed by soft cliffs with miniature waterfalls and in the middle of this amazing place was one simple willow tree but there were glowing creatures in there creating a masterpiece of colour and art as they danced through the trees fireflies flew and glow worms moved graciously up the tree even the special type of algae that contains minerals so that it glows in the dark outlined the ponds. Vega turned and faced me with joy in her eyes and nothing made me happier than Vega Jane, my wonderful Vega Jane is happy at last. She spoke in a voice softer than silk " Delph this is fantastically amazing I can't describe such beauty" all I can say in response to that was

" Vega Jane you make me so happy and this is for you I'm sorry it's late but Happy Birthday and since you're now 17 have already won the Duelum, survived for so long without your family, saved our home and you are now here with me. I can honestly say with all my heart and soul Vega Jane I love you and if miracles do exist then you are absolutely most deffinatly one and anyone to argue against that would be crazy." As I finished I could see tears forming in her eyes and without a doubt in my eyes. She mustered up the courage to say

" Daniel Delphia you have been my best friend since we were young and I can't believe we never connected like this before, in the last few months you have saved me in so many ways imaginable and for that I am extremely grateful. I love you Delph, I love you more than you could possibly imagine and this place is stunning and I am so glad I get to share this moment here with you." My head exploded at the words 'I love you Delph' I couldn't believe she loved me, she actually said it to me.

In the joy of the moment I picked her up and spun her round once as I lowered her I brought her close to me, even though it still wasn't enough she moved her hands to my cheeks and caressed them lightly and seductively until I couldn't resist. I brought our lips together, they locked in sync, moving together like it could go on for all eternity. At this moment my foot got caught on a rock and as I well I brought Vega down too and we rolled down the small bank laughing until we rolled into some long blue green grass. I stared down at her from my position where I was straddling her with my arms outstretched at the sides of her body. The she mouthed two words at me first I didn't understand but then I leant down to her ear and she whispered those two words

"Take me...."

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