Chapter2. In touch.

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Annie's PoV: I wake up to my alarm clock beeping in ear. I didn't want to get up but it kept ringing so I did. I walk out of bed to get in the shower until I hear someone unlock the door.


J: hey Annie it's me!!

A: hey Jayden!! I'm in the shower wait downstairs!

J: be quick I have news for you!

A: Ok!

[Annie gets out to do hair/makeup and get changed]



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Annie's PoV: A's soon as I finish my makeup I run downstairs to see Jayden eating everything in my fridge.. typical...

A: yo! Jayden!

J: *closes fridge* AHH! Omg you scared me!!!

A: haha cmon lets go to the living room! *walks out*

J: *follows behind as they both sit on the couch*

A: so what did you want to tell me?

J: oh yeah! So you know how Kenzie lives alone in a big house and decided to get a roommate and found Johnny?

A: yea???

J: I thought you might want to get a roommate too! Maybe you'll find a guy just like Kenzie did!! I mean cmon it won't leave you alone, rent will be cheaper and you might even fall for each other!

A: for once your idea is GENIUS!!! No offence tho..

J: wow... non taken. 😑

A: hahah I'm sorry Jay. But who do you think I should let live here?

J: I heard from a close friend that Hayden Summerall is looking for a place to live. He just moved here from London!! He has an accent and everything [I'm making Hayden and Carson British]

A: who's Hayden Summerall?

J: omg! The YouTuber! The one who sings?!

A: nope I don't know who he is. Is he cute?

J: YES! That's why I think you should let him stay here with you!

A: well does he have a number?

J: yep! I even got in touch with him saying I'll help him out! I'm sorry Annie but he's moving in tomorrow. Hehe 😬 *she says nervously as she hand Annie the number*

A: JAYDEN!! Ugh!!! *snatches the paper with the number on it*

J: haha... umm.. ILY!! 💛💛

A: i love you too! *dials then number and hits call*

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