Chapter12. 2 months later. {Short chapter.}

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Annie's PoV: it's been 2 months and I've been doing really bad.. my family came back into town and they've been the only people I've been talking to. I haven't been talking to Jayden or Kenzie lately.. I really miss Hayden. I know we didn't date for a year of even half a year but he meant so much to me. I've been cutting and I've been in pain. Sever pain. It hurts me everyday that he won't believe me. I've cut myself of from my friends and work. I've been drinking and I've not eaten properly for 19 days.. I know I shouldn't be cutting or drinking or starving.. but I can't do it without him. I just feel like I should maybe die?? I have no purpose anyway.. so I..

A: *slowly drags herself to her bathroom and gets a pocket knife and cuts. Deeper. Harder. And slower. She cute and cute till she can barely breathe.*


Hayden's PoV: it's been two months without Annie. And I miss her. I didn't realise how much I missed her till I left LA since I moved back to London. I've been doing things for my channel and everyone has been asking for Annie since the cover we did went viral. I haven't spoken to our friend group or Grayson. He always tries to get in touch with me but I ignore him. Same with Carson. I miss Annie more than anything.. I've been cutting, smoking and taking pills which I know isn't good for me but I can't handle the pain I've been depressed for so long now that it hurts.. everything hurts I feel numb.. so I....

H: *starts crying in and runs into his bathroom and takes a bunch of pills and down them.. I feel dizzy and I start to hear voices.*

*Hayden is hallucinating this part*

A: Hayden?

H: Annie?? Why are you here?

A: baby why are you crying?

H: I can't live without you.

A: I love you.

H: I need you... *blacks out*


Carson's PoV: it's been two months in LA without Grayson and it's been two months without my brother.. I heard that he and Annie broke up because he know about what we did on Christmas. I should probably turn myself in.. I know I'll go to prison.. but I'd rather turn myself in than get caught. And my brothers happiness is way more important that serving time. I know I need to do it.. but when?...

Author: Jsajsjsksks that's the tea!🍵 Hope you liked this mini update! 😂

Peace! 💛✨🐝🌙🌼🏵⚡️🔅💡🌟💫🌻☀️

Peace! 💛✨🐝🌙🌼🏵⚡️🔅💡🌟💫🌻☀️

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