Chapter11. Whats your emergency?

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{rubbish chapter}

J: Wait! Omg!!

*calls 911*

[call convo.]      9= 911

9: 911, what's your emergency?

J: hello? I'm here at my friends house and she fell from her stairs and her head is bleeding. *puts Annie's head onto her lap*

9: has it stopped?

J: yes but she lost a lot of b..blood *starts to cry even harder*

9: oh my god!! We're on our way.

J: yes we're at 14 Denver Road thank you.

9: were on our way ma'am

J: thank you *hangs up*

[10mins later, ambulance get there] A=ambulance

A: she needs to go to the hospital for surgery miss she's breathing but she's slowly dying as we talk.

J: take her!! I'll meet you there I have to talk to someone.

A: ok thank you miss.  *takes Annie*

Jayden's PoV: I'm on my way to the hospital and I'm panicking right now so I call Grayson.

[on call convo.]

J: Grayson!

G: hey??

J: get to the hospital right now!! Can I talk to Hayden?

G: uhh he's kinda sleeping right now.. should I bother waking him up??

J: no just call Kenz and John to meet us there Annie's having surgery. *hangs up*

Grayson's PoV: so we were playing fortnite and Hayden fell asleep and then I get a call from Jayden saying that Annie's having surgery. I start to panick and I call Kenzie and John and they said they'll meet us there so I'm currently on my way. I left Hayden to sleeping because the last thing he possibly wants to think about is his ex so I leave a note saying I went to the grocery store.


J: hey guys

K: hey what happened?

G: yeah why is she having a surgery.

A: she fell from her staircase.

Jo: wait!! She's the one with the metal staircase right???

K: omg! *falls to her knees crying*

Jo: baby don't cry please. *kneels down in front of her and wipes her tears* she's gonna be ok love. *picks her up and hold her*

K: wait where's Hayden? Isn't he her boyfriend?? *Jayden and Grayson look at each other*

G: I think Annie should explain.

J: *breaks down* I want to see her!! I can't live without her!

G: *voice cracks* baby I can't afford to see Annie and Hayden like this. What makes you think I can afford to you this way? *holds her*

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