Chapter 7

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Jungkook's point of view

As soon as I walked in my company I saw shards of glass and bullet shells scattered all over the floor. The place was a mess. A few of my employees where cleaning the mess but stopped when they saw me entering the building. "Hello Boss" they said while bowing. "Have you seen Namjoon?" I asked. "Yes, he's upstairs with Jin and Hoseok".

I walked up to the top floor because the power was cut of and I couldn't use the elevator. When I finally reached the top floor I saw that it wasn't such a big mess here as downstairs. They didn't come that far. "Namjoon" I said and walked over to the place he was standing. When I looked around the corner I saw a man tied to a chair all bloody. "Did he talk yet?"
"Yes, he's one of Jackson Wang's men. He was sent here with the order to ravage the place. They where also told not to kill anyone." Namjoon said.

Weird, why would my biggest enemy tell his men to not kill any of my men? What was he planning? I looked over to Hoseok who was also sitting on a chair shirtless, his right upper arm an shoulder where covered in bandages. "Are you okay?" I asked him as I walked towards him.

"Yeah, I was the only one to cath a bullet" he said while smiling. I sighed in relieve to see he wasn't hurt that bad. They where all shot before so they knew the feeling. It didn't effect them as bad as it used to.

When I looked at Jin I noticed him being awfully quiet. "Something on your mind Jin?"

"Where were you last night?" He asked while glaring at me. I sighed, should I tell them the truth? Yeah I should, I'm bad at lying to people I trust.

"You know that boy I'm interested in right? I had a few drinks with him when Namjoon called. I scared him because I screamed at Namjoon. He ran away and got in trouble with two men."

"Yeah so what, was that so important to you that you didn't show up? Hoseok got hurt because you weren't here."

"Yeah I should have been here to protect you guys, but Tae was in trouble. I couldn't leave without him being save."

"Tae? You mean Taehyung? The boy from the picture you sent me?" Namjoon asked

"Yes, I aproached him last night"
Jin and Hoseok heard from Namjoon that I'm interested in a boy. They didn't know any details but were confused because I didn't  show any interest in dating what so ever the last couple of years. They where happy for me, but didn't want Tae to keep me from my work. He was always on my mind since the moment I saw him, even now. What could he be doing now?


Taehyung's point of view

When I heard Jungkook leave I felt alone. It was now Saturday, Jimin and I had plans today to hang out at my house. I should go take a shower. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I hadn't looked in the mirror since last night.
I was startled when I saw the bruises all over my face and body. On my arms and legs there where bruises scattered all over them, from the men who tried to hold me down. The tought of last night gave me chills. I wanted to forget it even happend.

After the shower I put on some grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I was making myself lunch when.....  "DING DONG" I heard the door bel. I jumped at the sound because I didn't expect it.
"DING DONG" again
"YES I'M COMMING" I jelled while talking to the door. My appartment wasn't that big so I could have walked right over to the door but I had to turn off the stove so my eggs wouldn't burn.
I opened the door and there was Jimin
"Hi Tae I brought you some sn- WHAT HAPPEND TO YOUR FACE!?!" Jimin yelled while dropping the snacks he brought and started touching my face.
"It isn't that bad right? Come in first then I'll tell you what happened" I didn't really wanna tell Jimin, or anyone for that matter, what happend but I needed to tell him eventually.


"My god Tae, I'm so sorry I wasn't there" Jimin said after I told him what happened.

"No no Jimin don't be sorry, it isn't your fault. You couldn't know what was going to happen to me."  I said.
Jimin hugged me "I'm sorry" he mumbled softly but loud enough for me to hear.
"Please don't blame yourself"
Jimin and I started crying and kept hugging each other the next 30 minutes or so. After a while Jimin  got curious about the man who saved me, Jeon Jungkook.

"How do you know him, what's he called again?" Jimin began.

"Jungkook, when I was working I noticed he was looking at me, at first I thought it was kinda creepy."

"I don't know about him Tae, he kinda sounds like a stalker" Jimin said.

"Hear me out, my colleague told me Jungkook wanted me to bring his drinks. That was kinda weird, when I brought him his drinks he asked me to have a drink with him and we started talking"

"Still sounds lika a stalker, you are too nice to people. Please watch out and don't go around telling stuff about your personal life to people you don't know"

I laughed at Jimin's answer because he indeed sounded like a stalker now that I think about it.
"Why did you run away though? He didn't do anything to you right?!" Jimin said with big eyes.
"He got a call" I said.
Jimin looked at me confused.
"A call, is that why you ran away? Because he got a call?!" Jimin yelled at me. I only laughed and started talking again.

"He got a call from a man called Namjoon or something like that. It sounded serious and he started yelling on the phone. He was so sweet to me before but now he sounded like a monster and I didn't know what to think anymore. So in an impulse I ran away the completely wrong way"

" *sigh* Tae please be careful around others, maybe he is a real stalker or a killer or some kind of mafia boss!" Jimin said (not knowing he was right about the last thing).


^ they are bestfriend goals💕✨

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^ they are bestfriend goals💕✨

^I don't know why but BTS with tattoos is kinda sexy don't you think?😏🤷🏼‍♀️~I never know how to start or end a chapter😅 I hoped you liked this chapter, if you did share and vote✨💕

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^I don't know why but BTS with tattoos is kinda sexy don't you think?😏🤷🏼‍♀️
I never know how to start or end a chapter😅
I hoped you liked this chapter, if you did share and vote✨💕

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