Chapter 27

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Third persons point of view

Yoongi and Jimin sat in the car on their way home, it was a long and tiring day. Jimin already imagined him sleeping on his soft matras, he could almost feel the softness.

"Jimin, when we are home... I need to tell you something." Yoongi said, breaking the comfortable silence in the car.
"What about? Is it about last night?"

"Yeah, kind of..." back to silence again.
They drove for about half an hour more, with only the music of the radio playing in the car.

Yoongi parked the car at their apartment, he shut off the engine and stepped out of the car. Jimin also stepped out and walked over to the front door to unlock it. "I'm gonna go freshen up, do you want to make me some tea?" Jimin said, placing his keys on the table and putting his jacket onto a chair. "Of course, do you want a chocolate chip cookie with that?"

"You know me too well." Jimin said stealing a kiss from Yoongi. He was about to head to the bathroom but Yoongi pulled him back by his arm and quickly kissed him. Jimin was confused at first, but he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. "I love you, you know that right?" Yoongi asked out of the blue.

"Yeah I know that babe, and I love you too." Jimin said pecking Yoongi's lips one last time. "I'll go freshen up now.."

Yoongi looked at Jimin leaving to go to the bathroom, his heart beating like crazy. He had to kiss Jimin, he doesn't know if he'll accept him when he tells Jimin his secret. Maybe that was the last kiss they would ever share.

Yoongi hoped he would come around eventually, but for now, he'll make some tea for his beloved boyfriend like he always does. When the water was cooked he poured it into a cup, it was the cup he bought Jimin when they decided to live together. Yoongi only owned one cup, and that was his coffee cup.

He bought Jimin a white mug with red hearts on it. Jimin loved it, he doesn't want to drink his tea in any other cup than that, Yoongi found that super adorable. Yoongi put a tea bag in it and let that sit for a while, in the meantime he grabbed the box of chocolate chip cookies. Another thing Yoongi found adorable whas that every time Jimin wanted tea, that he would have a few chocolate chip cookies with it.

"Jimin! The tea is ready!" Yoongi shouted and placed the mug and the box of cookies on the coffee table and took a seat on the couch. He grew more nervous by the minute, he knew how Jimin could react when they had a fight or he was angry about something Yoongi did.

He would shout and curse at him. One time he even threw a lamp at him. He hoped that Jimin wouldn't break the house when he tells him.

"Thanks babe." Jimin said kissing Yoongi's cheek and took a seat next to him on the couch. He didn't waste any time and grabbed the box of cookies and munched one down. He looked over at Yoongi and noticed how nervous he was. "Is something wrong? You look nervous." Jimin said placing a hand on Yoongi's thigh to get his attention.

"Uhm yeah, you know I said in the car I need to tell you something?" Jimin nodded.
"Okay, don't be too angry please." Yoongi said and Jimin calmly sipped his tea. For now.

"It depends on what you want to tell me, I can't promise that I won't get angry with you." Jimin said putting his now empty cup on the table and waiting for Yoongi to tell him.

"Okay, when I was around 12 years old, I met Jungkook for the first time. Our dads introduced us to each other, they said we had to get along because we were gonna take over their jobs."

"Is that what you wanted to tell me? How you met Jungkook? Why would I get angry about that?" Jimin said tilting his head slightly.

"I'm not done talking yet, just hear me out.
The 'job' that they were talking about... isn't a normal job."

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