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Chapter 7

[ L O R E N ]

I watch Harvey drag the unconscious Rye along to the sitting room. Rye was reluctant to let Harvey take him to a bedroom so he flops into a couch leaving Harvey standing there, staring at him. He rolls his eyes then decides to leave.

In the corner of my eye, I see Geo, my abusive ex-boyfriend, smirking at me so I pretend to admire at a bland artwork on the wall. 'Hey Lorennn!' Geo greets me with a whiff of alcohol spreading around me. 'You know we haven't been in good terms but I'm gonna tell everyone the truth about us...hic!' he smiles, 'and everyone...including your little boyfriend there,' he points at Harvey, talking to his friends, 'is going to know about it.'

I gasp as I watch him walk up to the diving board. I try to pull his arm and punching his hips several times to make him stop doing this. He climbs on to a diving board and whistles very loudly to get everyone's attention.

'Geo! You don't know what you are doing.' I scream at him, pulling him down. He squats me out of the way and begins to speak.

'Hey guys! Hic. I feel like I want to share you something,' He chuckles slyly, brushing his hair back, 'Loren is an absolute slut. When we were dating, Loren would make out with every boy in school behind my back. I got hurt when I found out so we broke up.' He pouts to show that he is sad.

People start to murmur and stare at me. I couldn't believe that little motherfucker would say that. I could feel my inner self raging of fury like I want to beat him up so badly but instead, I tear up and shove the crowd to go upstairs. People start to laugh and call me random nicknames. So stupid of me believing that I deserve him but actually I don't. He would make my life miserable and not just the violent argument, he would hang out with girls behind my back and my heart shatters when I found out from a friend of mine.

[ H A R V E Y ]

I didn't know how to react to Geo's input about their rough relationship but I know that Loren wouldn't do that to him as I believe that she isn't a slut. I couldn't control my anger so I walk up to him and push him as he falls into the water, 'you're dead dude' I yell at him as he smirks.

'Oh is it the caring boyfriend? Loren actually deserves after what she did to me.' He states and after he opens his mouth to speak, I interrupt him by yelling 'you have no right to bring that up to me. you know that you are a liar and I will have to report you to the cops' I roll my eyes and run upstairs to talk to Loren.

I knock on the door multiple of times and all she says, 'get out please!' Her voice is really croaky and it hurts to see her like that. 'Loren, please open the door!' I sigh, wanting to give up but instead, I put my back leaning on the door and slide down to sit down, my arms resting on my knees. My fingers fiddling with each other as I try to think of something to say.

'You know I can treat you better than he can.' I chuckle, hoping Loren doesn't recognize the lyrics from Shawn Mendes.

'Stop copying Shawn Mendes, you dickhead!' Loren croaks, giggling, 'besides he isn't a good singer...just saying!'

'But,' I pause then questions, 'is he a good looking dude?'

'Yeah, good point.' she states then I hear a click sound from above and I get up to see an ajar door. I push it wider to see Loren sitting at the edge of the bed, tears streaming down her eyes ruining her makeup.

I sigh as I sit next to her, 'Are you okay?' Her ocean eyes sparkle and she plasters a fake smile.

'Yes.' she stutters, struggling to continue. 'Actually, I'm not okay.' she looks at me for one more time then looks at the carpet.

Struggling to think of a solution to help her, she mumbles, 'I think I'm a loser.' she sniffs as she fiddles with her handkerchief.

I can feel my anger starting to build up. Thinking how I want to beat up that little bastard so I sheepishly put both hands on her cheeks, both forehead connects. My green eyes finally meet her ocean eyes, 'Loren, you don't deserve this at all. Geo is a moron and I'm sure there are other boys that fancy you who can take care of you no matter what.'

'How can you be so sure?' Loren quirks her eyebrows, a shed of tear falls as I wipe off. My eyes trail down to her lips, her most shiny soft lips. My conscience is telling me to just kiss her but I can't.

I slowly move my head up a little so I reach like 1m away from her lips. I close my eyes, hoping this goes right.

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Whoop! I finally updated a chapter! It's been two months and I'm so sorry I had you guys waiting for it...I've seen that you guys absolutely enjoyed it! I'm sorry it's a short one but I promise that the next chapter is longer than the previous chapters.

Anyways enough waffle, what do you think will happen? Will they kiss or not? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

- storm

my brother's best friend || larvey *NOT WRITING*Where stories live. Discover now