Day 6: Burned Romance

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Ship: Adrienette

Word Count: 2.296

Summary: Adrien tries to cook a romantic Christmas dinner for Marinette. However when Marinette gets back home she comes home to something completely different than a romantic Christmas dinner.


I'm sorry in advance if there are any spelling and/or grammar mistakes in the text. I did my best to make as less mistakes as I could. Since English isn't my first language, I might have not noticed some of them.


"You seem to be in such a hurry. What's the rush?" Plagg asked Adrien as he flew out of his coat pocket once Adrien got home.
"I was planning to cook Marinette dinner tonight but of course my father needed to ruin my planning. Now I got like 2 hours to prepare everything." Adrien said annoyed as he put the bags with all groceries for tonight's dinner on the ground so he could put his coat off.

He kicked out his shoes before picking up the grocery bags again and rush towards the kitchen. He was supposed to have a day off, but of course his father had other plans. He has added a winter themed photo shoot for some magazine's article about fashionably seasons clothing to his cleared schedule last minute. Of course he couldn't go against his father, he couldn't risk it to ruin the Agreste name because he went against him even though he was already a grown up man that had moved out some years ago.

Besides that, Adrien was afraid that Marinette had to pay for his action if he did something his father wasn't amused over. He wasn't sure if he would really do it through, but he knew his father his whole life so it wouldn't surprise him if he would really made Marinette pay for it. He could easily imagine his father giving her a huge pile of paperwork that needed to be checked, made her clean up the work space, make sure the restocks of all the fabric is correct on paper or let her get coffee for the whole company. Or worse she had to do more than just one of those tasks. He didn't want that to happen.

Marinette was a great designer who started from the bottom in the industry. She rolled in at Gabriel as an intern after his father had seen her own designed dress she wore at the dinner where he would introduce her to his father as his girlfriend. His father was really impressed by the dress, saying that she was gifted with talent and that it was one of the hardest things to make a simple dress with not much detail to look so stunning. He also asked her if she had her sketchbook with designs with her, which she had. Marinette and her sketchbook are inseparable after all. That fact gave her some extra points with his father, since according to him a good designer never leaves the house without a sketchbook no matter where they go, even if it's just a trip to the supermarket.

All through the dinner was awkward, the evening went well. After they had finished eating his father wanted to speak with Marinette in his office and look at her designs. He wasn't allowed to go with her as she should be doing it alone. That was also one of his father's requirements, his employees need to be able to do things on their own. Since he couldn't always be there to help them and he wanted to be able to trust his employees blindly.

After half an hour Marinette rushed over to him saying she got an internship at Gabriel. He was very happy for her. However after her first day of her internship he realized that his father was testing her. She had been through a lot of things on just one day. Mostly just the chores that didn't had anything to do with designing. His father probably wanted to see how much pressure she could take and if she was really qualified for the job. He had seen her getting home completely worn out by the amount of work she had to do. She had even been there at the point she wanted to quit just because the work was inhuman to keep up with. In the end she didn't quit.

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