Day 12: Dance The Night Away

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Ship: Lukanette

Word Count: 2.703

After the breakup Marinette still went to celebrate Christmas how she had planned it out, Only thing that's different is the fact she has taken her neighbor with her instead. As the night passed talking, eating, drinking and dancing, she realize that her neighbor is actually pretty attractive in many ways.


I'm sorry in advance if there are any spelling and/or grammar mistakes in the text. I did my best to make as less mistakes as I could. Since English isn't my first language, I might have not noticed some of them.


Marinette looked at herself in the mirror, twisting and turning around in front of it. She wondered if her dress wasn't too bright for the occasion, especially since she knew Luka wasn't someone to wear brighter colors, or at least she never saw him doing so. It would have been nice to match, just so other people would think they were a couple. If others thought that then it wouldn't feel that uncomfortable to be there with someone who isn't your boyfriend or partner.

She took a glance at the clock that was hanging at her bedroom wall. It was almost half past six, almost time for Luka to pick her up at her apartment.

"The Chiffon dress it is I guess." she said to herself. Giving one more glance at it. The dress was light pink, it had a heart shaped neckline and off shoulder straps. The skirt of the dress came just above her ankles and on her right hip there was a flower made out of the same color chiffon.

She walked over to her bed to grab her small shoulder bag, checking it one more time if she had everything. The bag was black, just like the high heels and necklace she was wearing.

The doorbell rang the moment she just finished checking her bag. She quickly walked towards the door, taking her jacket of the coat rack before opening the door.

"Good evening." He said with a smile on his face, before he took a quick glance over Marinette's dress. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you. You look good yourself too." she returned the compliment. "I never thought we we match."

Luka was wearing a black suit combined with a black tie and a light pink colored dress shirt.

"Yeah... This is the only dress shirt I have... It used to be white but it accidentally got into the washing machine with the red colored clothing... I don't really wear those things often so I kind of forgot about it until I looked into my wardrobe."
"It does suit you quite well."

Luka smiled at her as he thanked her. She then stepped out of her apartment, now putting on her jacket before she closed the door behind her and she locked it.

"My parents' house is nearby, it's only a fifteen minute walk away. So I hope that's alright. We will take the car from there towards the restaurant, my father will be driving." she said as they walked towards the elevator.
"That's fine. Those minutes will give us some time to get to know each other, I don't know anything about you apart From the fact you got a sweet tooth."
"Well, all I know about you is that you play the guitar and like to play 'till late at night."
"It doesn't bother you, does it? You could always tell me if it does."
"No, it doesn't. I like it quite a lot actually. The songs you play at night are always relaxing and calming. It makes me feel less stressed after a tough day, so please don't stop with that."
"I'm glad to hear you like it. Most songs I play are self-written songs for my study." Luka said as he pressed the button for the elevator.

Marinette looked at him with widened eyes, she had never thought that those quality melodies were self-written. Luka chuckled at her reaction. The elevator dinged before the doors opened. They walked inside and pressed the button for the ground floor.

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