Chapter 13

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Chapter idea brought to you by Cierra!!! Thank you for giving me this idea I hope you all enjoy!!


Black*Star and Tsubaki took me to the mall after we came home to shower and change. I'm wearing my usual clothes, my white ninja outfit. ((It's like Black*Star's outfit except in all white)) 'I didn't want to go out to a mall with Black*Star's large clothes on me. I seriously look like a little kid in his big kids clothes.' We walked to the mall and entered a few stores. Tsubaki helped me out with the feminine stuff like bras and underwear. Black*Star tried to make me wear all these big clothes that hid everything and made me look like a little kid. 'Does he seriously think I'm going to be wearing clothes one size bigger for the rest of my life?' In the end Black*Star gave up and actually started helping me choose clothes that will fit me. 'I must admit, Black*Star does have a cool style. He chose shirts with some cool designs, pants that have some rips on them, and he even chose a few (f/c) shirts and a few (s/f/c) sweats. When I tried the clothes on, they fit me perfectly! It's better than sitting in the changing room waiting to find the right size. When we finished shopping, we headed home to relax before Black*Star dropped me off at Maka's place.


'Yes! (Y/N) is coming over tonight. I don't think she knows that me and Soul share an apartment together. This is going to be funny!' Kid walked into my room and sat down next to me on my bed. 'I invited him over so I could try to get Soul and (y/n) closer together.'

"So Maka, what was it that you wanted me to come so urgently?" Questioned Kid.

"Well, I have an idea as to how we can get (y/n) and Soul closer together."

"Why would you want to get them closer together? Are you trying to set them up with each other? Or are you just trying to give (y/n) another best friend?"

"I want them to get closer together so maybe one day Soul could have the guts to ask her out."

"But what about Black*Star? He wouldn't want (y/n) to be dating anyone, especially his best friend."

"True, I do remember the thing that happen at the basketball court. No matter, I want Soul and (y/n) to date. They'll look cute together."

"Okay, fine but why am I here specifically?"

"Well, because your gonna help me." I smiled at Kid.

"Okay, so tell me how?"

"Well this is what I came up with...." After I told Kid the plan, we both started to put it in action. We set up my room to look asymmetrical, Kid started to freak out but I told him after we get them together he can fix my room to be symmetrical again. After putting some books in random places to make it seem a little messy, we left to relax in the living room and wait for (y/n).



Black*Star walked me to Maka's place. He kept on talking about how I should stay away from Soul and not go into his room if he asks me too. He kept saying stuff like hide in Maka's room if he tries to do something and to just stay close to Maka. 'Knowing me, I wasn't paying too much attention to it. I mean doesn't Maka have her own place and doesn't Soul have his own place too? So why do I have to stay away from Soul if he isn't going to even be there?' When we finally arrived in front of her door, Black*Star knocked on it while I just stood there. 'I must admit I am a little nervous. This is my first sleepover at a friend's house. I hope we do a lot of fun things together.' My thoughts were broken when Maka opened the door and greeted us. Black*Star gave me a tight hug and told me to be safe before he left back to his house. Maka gave me hug before letting me come into her place. I walked in and she took my bag full of stuff I brought. She placed it in a room, I'm assuming is her room. I sat down on the couch and Maka soon joined me. We started to talk about the randomest things that came up. Then out of no where Kid came in and joined us in the living room. 'I think they're dating, but I don't know if I should ask now or not.' We talked some more until we got hungry. Maka walked into the room where she put my bag and started talking to someone. 'Who could she be talking to? Does she have a roommate? Why haven't they come out to join us?'

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