Chapter Four

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Before anyone says anything I'm going to explain because I know someone will mention something about it eventually.

A good bit of the first chapters will be Valentine's POV. The reason behind this is because it's all part of the story. In order for the story to go the way its leading me, it has to be this way.



(Valentine's POV)

I sat in the library waiting for Enzo. He ran to get us some lunch. That was thirty minutes ago.

It's been a week since we've seen Audrey or Ruby. It's not strange since the university is so big and there's hundreds of students, but for some reason it...irks me.

We've hung out with Chris, Colin, and Zach a little bit. They keep asking to come over to our apartment and hangout. They live in one of the dorms, so they're always dying to leave.

"I didn't know what you'd want so I got one of everything." Enzo said setting five to-go boxes down.


"Yeah," he nodded opening the first one.

We ended up eating almost all of it by the time we got our papers finished. We were on our way out when I spotted a certain brunette sitting alone at a table in the corner.

"You go ahead and I'll catch up." I said.

He smirked. "Yeah, okay."

I took the food we had left and headed over.

"Hungry?" I asked getting her attention.

She looked up from her book and gave me a soft smile.

"Depends on if you have anything good." She teased.

I sat down and slid the box over to her.

"I didn't get you into any trouble by showing up last week did I?" I asked as she ate some French fries.

"No." She said shaking her head but I saw the real answer in her eyes.

She reached for her bottle of water which caused her sleeve to ride up a little bit. It went up just enough for me to see the dark bruise on her wrist.

When she realized I could see it she quickly pulled her sleeve down.

I wanted to bring it up but I didn't.

"So I hear that you and your friend Ruby are transfers from California." I said.

"Yeah. We moved here this past summer."

"Liking it?"

She shrugged. "It's not so bad."

"Not so bad? This is the greatest city on earth and you're saying it's not bad?"

She giggled and f*ck, it was the best sound I'd ever heard.

"Pick a weekend and I'll take you out to experience the city for real." I said leaving over the table.

Princes of the Underworld (Angels of the Underworld:Book Two) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now