Chapter Thirteen

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Just thought I'd let you know.....

This story was never meant to be long and it won't be. It might be longer than Her Guardian Reaper. Might.

Isabella's story will probably be close to The Devil's Angel in length.


Don't forget to vote, comment, and share with friends!!!

-Anon 😘💜😊🤭😏😉😉😉

(Ruby's POV)

Come Monday, everything seemed back to normal. We were all back in class and it was like the nightmare of a weekend never happened.

Audrey and I still thought we were dreaming. We still couldn't believe that Enzo and Val were letting us live with them. We couldn't believe that their mom took us shopping and spent thousands of dollars without thinking twice about it.

It all seemed to good to be true.

We were in the library waiting for Enzo and Val when I saw him approach us. I was happy that Audrey had just left to use the restroom.

"I hope you both are f*cking happy." Andrew snarled.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Ernie's dead." He said.


"He's dead. Said it was natural causes but we know differently, don't we?"

"You need to go." I said.

I didn't notice that he had something in his hands until he laid it on the desk.

"Have a look." He said. "See who they really are."

Then he left.

I flipped through the folder and couldn't believe what I was seeing and reading.

"What is that?" Audrey asked as she came back and sat down.

"Have a look." I said sliding them towards her.

"W-Where did you get these?" She asked.


"He's here?" Audrey asked looking around.

"He's gone now."

"You think it's true?" She asked.

"These all look legitimate." I said.

"Should we ask them about it?"

I sighed. "We have to know who we are living with."

She nodded. "You're right."

"Andrew said Ernie is dead."


"They were told it was natural causes but...."

"But he doesn't think so." Audrey said just as we saw Enzo and Val walk in.

She took the papers the put them in her book bag.

"Ready to go?" Enzo asked.

"Yes." I said giving him my best fake smile.

We got back to the apartment and then they left to pick up some dinner. Audrey and I took that time to talk about how we were going to bring it up.

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