Chapter Fourteen

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You know you've been waiting on it.


Mature content ahead!!

-Anon 😘😉💜😊🤭

(Audrey's POV)

I walked down the hall to Val's bedroom and sure enough the door was cracked. I slipped inside and then shut the door.

He was in the shower. The bathroom door was cracked and I could head the water running. Instead of leaving, went out and stood on his balcony.

When I saw all the papers and pictures, I didn't believe it at first but then it all made sense. I should've been scared. I knew Ruby was scared but I wasn't.

I felt safe with him. I can't explain it.

I was outside for about five minutes before the water shut off. It was a minute after that when I heard the bathroom door open all the way.

When I felt him standing at the door of the balcony, I turned to face him.

"You've made up your mind." He said leaning against the doorframe.

It wasn't a question.

He was waiting on my answer. I closed the distance between us and kissed him. I kissed him with everything I had in me.

He moved us so that we were back inside his room and I was trapped between the wall and his body.

He pulled away but just enough so that he could speak.

"Why?" He asked.

"You know why." I answered grabbing handfuls of his hair.

He roughly gripped my waist, lifting me up so that my thighs to straddle his waist. He pulled me close to his body. His chest. His heart.

He kissed me, parting my lips with his tongue as he carried me over to his bed. He laid me down, spreading my legs to lay in between them, lowering himself onto my body.

He never once broke our kiss.

I was only wearing an oversized t-shirt and a pair of panties meaning that there wasn't mulch separating us.

He had one hand by my head to keep his weight off me. The other one was slowly finding its way to the hem of my shirt.

"Val," I rasped nervously.

He gripped my shirt tightly in his fist and looked up at me for permission. I gave him a small nod and seconds later my shirt was in the floor.

I could feel his eyes looking at every last inch of my skin for the first time ever, and I couldn't help but feeling insecure.  He was slowly and deliberately taking his time.

I clenched my thighs together when I felt his stare heading toward my most private area. He lightly grabbed onto my knees, spreading my legs open for him. Further and further apart.

His hand grabbed the top of my panties and looked at me.

"Tell me stop. Tell me no." He said.

I didn't trust my voice so I reached between us and pushed my panties down.

Now, I was completely bare to him.

My face turned red in both desire and embarrassment, from being spread wide open for him. I could feel my wetness pooling in between my legs from the way he looked at me and his touch. Fueling my need to feel him, anywhere and everywhere.

Princes of the Underworld (Angels of the Underworld:Book Two) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now