Two Birds (Dean x Reader)

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Word Count: 921

Songfic based on Regina Spektor's Two Birds

Two birds on a wire

Falling in love with him was, well, perfect. It wasn't that he was a gentleman or all that kind or overly affectionate; it was subtle and real. Dean showed it in his own way, protective stances, those long staring contests.... You could go on, but there was too much to describe.

You sighed, brushing over the promise ring he'd gifted to you for your one year anniversary. It was only half a year later...and things seemed different. For the both of you. He was becoming more distant, you were becoming more comfortable in the hunting lifestyle and the attention you'd get from it.

One tries to fly away

You both needed each other less and less. Yes, you supposed that was the feeling. It was the feeling of awkwardness--everyone thought you two were the perfect couple, but being with him felt like a chore. It was awkward because there wasn't that same spark any more.

"There doesn't have to necessarily be a spark," you reasoned with yourself, "There just has to be companionship and comfort. And just wanting to be in each other's presence." And no, you didn't believe that you two needed to be together constantly, but it felt hard to even start a conversation.

And the other

Watches him close

From that wire

What was it that was holding you back? What was holding him back? you wondered.

"Don't worry, [Y/N]. Of course I still want to be with you."

He says he wants to as well

But he is a liar

He couldn't look you in the eyes clearly. He stared at your nose, but you had a feeling.

"Are you sure?" Your words breezed past him, unnoticed as he walked away. You shrugged it away and just tried to stay positive.

I'll believe it all

There's nothing I won't understand

I'll believe it all

I won't let go of your hand

Really, you really did. You really wanted to still hold onto the thread. You gripped it as if it was life. You wanted to believe so much, that it was hurting to hang on. There felt like there wasn't anything you could do to try to rekindle it. So you sat down with him and just talked. Talked about the future, what you wanted to do, what he wanted to do.

For the first time in a couple months, you felt free. Happy, even. It finally felt like there was hope after all. Still, you were unsure.

Two birds on a wire

One says come on

"Why don't we try to do something about this, then?" You asked.

And the other says

I'm tired

Dean looked at you silently.

"Dean?" His silence was like a stab; did he not want this?

The sky is overcast

And I'm sorry

One more or one less

Nobody's worried

"Okay, [Y/N]. I'd like that. To just...try."

You bit your lip, staring at an ant that had crawled over your shoe. Maybe this isn't what's supposed to happen.

I'll believe it all

There's nothing I won't understand

I'll believe it all

I won't let go of your hand

You reached out for his hand. This hunt had been particularly tough, and there were still evils to be conquered. You felt him tense up. "[Y/N]. Not now. I need to focus."

"Oh, uhm, alright," your hand slipped out of his and you gripped the shotgun instead.

Two birds of a feather

Say that they're always

Gonna stay together

At the end of the day, the hunt was done and over. You all had survived another wretched day of hunting. You decided to turn to Castiel for advice. After all, he had been with the Winchesters since season four, you'd only recently joined the team.

"Castiel?" You hesitantly prayed. Was this how Dean did it?

"Don't worry, [Y/N]. Your praying is just fine. Now, what is it that you need?"

"Well, I need some...advice. On my relationship with Dean."

"I'm not sure how to help you in your human relations, but I will try."

"Thank you."

"What is troubling you?" he asked.

"I think Dean is holding on to nothing. I feel like he doesn't want to be here anymore. With me. I'm trying, but it's hard to try with someone who doesn't' even want to stay," you sighed, pulling your knees up to your chest.

But one's never goin' to

Let go of that wire

He says that he will

But he's just a liar

"Hmm. That's very complicated, [Y/N]. Why don't you just try talking to him?"

"It's hard to be honest with someone you feel like doesn't want to hear. You know? Like, how can they hear me if they can't even say hello?"

"I...I'm not sure how to help. I'm sorry," Castiel regretfully admitted.

"Yeah. I know. But I kind of wanted to get it off of my chest. Thank you for listening, Cassie." He nodded taking his leave.

Two birds on a wire

One tries to fly away

And the other

You watched him fly away. There was no you in Team Free Will. And, for some reason, you accepted it. Accepted that times change and nothing can be stagnate.

Watches him close

From that wire

He says he wants to as well

But he is a liar

Taking in a deep breath, you approached the man you thought would be your forever. He looked at you curiously, apple green eyes boring into your [e/c] eyes.

Two birds on a wire

One tries to fly away

And the other

"Why are you still holding on?" Dean and [Y/N] asked simultaneously.

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