Marrying Him (Sam x Reader x Onesided!Dean)

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Word Count: 563

Dean glanced around the forest setting. Before him on the right were Bobby and Gabriel. Castiel was to his side. Only three people from the Winchester clan. He looked at the [Y/L/N] family. Your aunts and uncles, your mother and sister. Your brother who recently returned from the war, and some of your close friends.

Charlie was dressed in blue, your favourite color. She send a worried look his way. Dean smiled, shrugging it off. The fresh wind tousled his hair, which he moved to fix it.

Your littlest niece nervously walked down the aisle, sprinkling rose petals on the grassy pathway. Next came your nephew, proudly sporting two diamond rings atop a satin cushion. Dean looked up, staring as the young bride made an entrance. "Here Comes the Bride" started up in the background. He couldn't help but smile as your father walked you up to the base of the tree where the priest and himself were standing. You were led up front and center.

And then he remembered: it wasn't him that was getting married. It wasn't you that was going to be his lovely bride-to-be.

You and his brother, Sam, were clutching each other's hands.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for the marriage of [Y/N] [L/N] and Sam Winchester..." the officiant started. Dean tuned his words out, staring at your beautiful white gown. The top was adorned with sparkling gems that glistened in the sunlight in a sweetheart neckline. It was long and flowy, not at all tight and confining. He saw Sam lift the veil to reveal your beautiful eyes. You and Sam both wrote your own vows, he noted. He watched as his brother slipped a diamond ring onto your finger, and yourself repeating the act back.

Still, Dean straightened his back and carried on.

"Do you, Sam Winchester, take [Y/N] [L/N] to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Sam smiled, tears bubbling in the corners of his eyes.

"Do you, [Y/N] [L/N], take Sam Winchester to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," [Y/N] whispered.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" the officiant ended with a flourish.

Sam leaned down to cup your face in his large hands, pulling you up for the kiss that would seal the deal. Dean was the first to start clapping, and soon after, your family started clapping as well. Sam picked you up in the usual bridal style and ran down the aisle, spinning her merrily.

Sam held you with such delicacy as you both sliced into the pristine four layer cake. You both placed two slices on two cakes. Before Sam could even pick the piece up, you had smashed your slice onto his face. [Y/N] howled with laughter, his following soon after.

You looked beautiful, swaying to the music with your father. After the song was finished, he gingerly handed you off to your new husband.

Dean stared at you two from the corner of the room. He barely noticed Castiel approach him.

"Dean, are you alright?" Cas asked.

"Yeah of course I am." Dean turned away and stared up at the sky. "At least she has my last name."

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