Bonding Over Demons? 3/4 (Castiel x Reader)

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Word Count: 1098

It's been a couple weeks since [Y/N] fell to this dimension. Like usual, Dean was up on his phone and Sam was reading a pamphlet."Mornin' sunshine."

[Y/N] yawned. "I know I've said thanks a million times, but thank you for letting me stay."

"Don't worry about it. It must have been strange to just appear in the forest like that," Sam said, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad Gabriel found me when he did."

"Cas, you look like you were hit by a train."

Castiel stumbled into the kitchen, "I was researching."

"All night? Aren't you tired?"

"No. Angels don't need to sleep."

"Well have you slept before?"

"No. No I haven't actually."

"Maybe you should try it sometime." Castiel nodded absentmindedly. "I need to go check on something."

"Does he do that often? Disappear, I mean."

Dean shrugged, "Yeah, That's kind of his thing."

"Dean, look. People here by hallucinating and heart attacks."

"And you think that's up our alley....why?"

"Well, yeah. Fifty people in the last two months."

"Yikes, that's a lot. So am I gonna have to stay here or something?"

"Yeah, sorry [Y/N]. Cas can come and stay though," Sam said.

"I'm pretty sure I don't need a babysitter."

"I'm sure he'd be happy to do it. Weird guy. Maybe he can get some--"

"Shut up." Dean surrendered and walked off somewhere.

"We're leaving later today. Cas'll come when you call, so I think you'll be fine. And you have our numbers if you really need something."

"It's gonna be boring," [Y/N] whined, but Sam was already walking away.


"Bye guys. See you whenever, I guess."

"Ahh, don't be so down. Look Sammy, she misses us already."

"Fact: you three are literally the only people I know of this universe. Oh, Cas and Gabe, but I doubt I'll see him again."

"We'll try to take care of it as quickly as possible, [Y/N]," Sam replied.

"Okay. Be safe, good luck." The two hunters left and [Y/N] was left all alone in the huge bunker. She decided to go and read a few books in the library. Turns out, there were no books of entertainment, only informational texts. She'd finally settled on Exorcism 101.

To start, make sure the demon is secured in a devil's trap. Repeat these words with absolute conviction: "Exorcizamus te, Omnis Immundus Spiritus, Omnis Satanica Potestas, Omnis Incursio Infernalis Adversarii, Omnis Congregatio et Secta Diabolica, Ergo Draco Maledicte, Ut Ecclesiam Tuam Servire, Tibi Facias Libertate Secura, Te Rogamus, Audi Nos!"

"Maybe this would be beneficial?" [Y/N] wondered aloud. Suddenly as she was turning the page. An enormous spider crawled out from within the pages. [Y/N] screamed and threw the book across the room. "Cas, Cas, Cas! Help!" She wailed.

He appeared, angel blade at the ready. "What is it? Are you okay?!"

"There....over there. It's a spider!"

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