Chapter 1 - Part 2

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🚫 For Mature Audiences Only 🚫


Techno's eyes widen and points at his chest. "B-boyfiend?" He repeats back to Kengkla.

Kengkla nods. "Didn't you say you would take responsibility, P'No?" He replies, his voice dejected as he bites his lip to play the part. Techno shakes his head. "Um, uh, did I say that?" Techno laughs awkwardly like he can't find the right words.

It hardly matters what he says. Kengkla intends to take what he wants. "I knew you would, P," He whispers and leans in closer, keeping his eyes open to watch for any reaction as he plants a chaste kiss to Techno's lips.

The other tenses up, but he stays silent. That's close enough to the answer Kengkla wants as he'll ever get. His tongue slides against Techno's lips, and he whimpers without thinking, pleading with the other to open his mouth.

But when Techno doesn't, Kengkla changes tack almost immediately and grabs the other's shorts, yanking them down roughly. "What, Ai Kla?" Techno gasps into his mouth.

Kengkla has to force back his laughter, pulling away from the kiss. Techno is flushed deeply, reaching to pull his shorts back up, but Kengkla stops him with a hand on his wrist. "P'No, please let me reward you for playing such a good game," Kengkla whines, reaching out to grip Techno's cock through his boxers hesitantly. He's using all his self-control to avoid frightening the other, so it practically kills him to pull it through Techno's underwear so slowly.

A jolt of delight runs through him when it jumps, and Techno tries to shrink against the wall. He ducks his head, cheeks now painted a brilliant red, and Kengkla has to stop looking before he jumps Techno right now.

Instead, he presses his lips to Techno's neck, softly licking and teasing at the skin, and he can't suppress the soft groan that escapes his lips at the taste. "I promise you I'll satisfy you," He says, words muffled at Techno's neck.

He begins to stroke Techno gently, a touch meant to tease rather than satisfy. It only takes a few moments of kissing his neck and stroking his cock for Techno to relinquish his control. His neck tips back against the wall, and Kengkla glances up to see Techno close his eyes, lips parted slightly.

It only encourages Kengkla more, and he reaches up with his free hand to rip Techno's jacket to the side and tug his shirt down to expose his neck. He bites at the skin there until he's satisfied with the mark. Then he begins to lick up the sweat pooling on his chest as he breathes in the natural scent of Techno with a grin.

Suddenly, he can feel a dribble of precum leak from the slit at on his fingers, and Kengkla thumbs over it, smearing the wetness down Techno's length. When he lifts his hand to Techno's mouth, dragging a thumb across his lips, Techno's face pulls into a slight twist of shock.

But he doesn't resist when Kengkla pushes his thumb into his mouth, jaw slack enough for Kengkla to slip behind his teeth and press against his slick tongue. He looks wonderful like this, Kengkla thinks, as Techno's tongue laps at his finger.

As Techno obeys every silent command, Kengkla feels daring, so he slips out his thumb and sticks two fingers into his mouth. Techno's eyes snap open almost immediately. But when Kengkla leans in and whines, "P, No," he begins sucking and laving his tongue around Kengkla's fingers, closing his eyes tightly.

He enjoys the sensation of Techno licking around his fingers for a few minutes, rubbing around the softness of his mouth before he draws them out. A string of saliva hangs between his fingers and Techno's shiny lips. It's obscene, and Kengkla can't help but stare. He grabs hold of Techno's dick again, this time stroking harder and faster than before.

Techno gasps, lurching forward and clutching at Kengkla's shirt. Stepping away from the wall, he presses his forehead on Kengkla's shoulder, and Kengkla can feel himself grin. He whispers, "Do you like it, P'No?" into his ear, but he receives no answer, just soft pants at his neck

Techno's fingers in his shirt are twisting distractedly as he curls forward. It's probably more intense than Techno is used to from his own hand, Kengkla muses, but he doesn't slow. He can't stop grinning, trying to commit to memory every noise and movement Techno makes.

Lost in his thoughts, he doesn't notice Techno's grip tightening, and Kengkla only has a second before he's being pulled forward. With his free hand, he reaches between Techno and the wall to wrap his arm around other's shoulder, holding him up.

When Techno tips his head back, his lips are wet and eyes hooded as he tries to regain control. He looks like a mess, and it sends arousal shooting down to Kengkla's groin. On that note, he quickens his pace, stroking Techno's length in hand until he hears a whimper. Techno must be close now, Kengkla thinks with satisfaction. He remembers from that night how Techno got louder until he was sobbing.

Kengkla halts his ministrations, smugly enjoying the noise of desperation Techno lets out. "Do you want me to keep going?" He asks, running a finger up Techno's cock, and Techno lets out a sharp inhale as he opens his eyes. As their gazes meet, Kengkla notes the pleading yet confused look in Techno's eyes. It awakens a wicked idea in Kengkla's mind.

As he leans in to press a chaste kiss against plump lips, he inches his hand down, gliding over Techno's soft balls that has the elder swallowing hard. Then his fingers brush over Techno's hole, pressing in slightly, but Techno jerks violently. His hands come up instantly to push Kengkla back. "Ai Kla, don't-!" Techno's voice is high and anxious, and he pushes harder against Kengkla who acts as a wall, strengthening his hold around the other.

Kengkla's goal today is to have a little fun, not genuinely distress Techno. So he withdraws his hand, making little shushing noises with a soft smile. "Okay, P'No. I won't." For now, his thoughts provide.

Bright red flushes on Techno's cheeks again, and he lowers his arms defensively, resting on hand on Kengkla's chest. "I just want to be a good boyfriend," Kengkla adds in the sweetest voice he can muster. And Techno looks away.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Techno's other hand reach for his own dick to finish jerking himself off. But Kengkla grabs Techno's wrists in both his hands and pins them back against the tile. Techno struggles briefly, but Kengkla uses his adrenaline-filled strength to keep him pressed to the wall. "Ai Kla," Techno gasps with wide eyes.

"Please let me, P'No," Kengkla begs, and Techno lets out a choked off noise, sending blood straight to Kengkla's dick. He wishes he could savor this moment forever.

[Kengkla x Techno] Unfinished Business (Love by Chance Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now