Chapter 14 - Part 1

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A/N: I fucked up and posted the chapters out of order. SORRY! Those of you who read the previous one got some spoilers. Hope you can forgive me. T__T


The week seems to last longer now than it used to. Techno can't explain this; he spends half his time studying or studying. There's no reason he should feel like time is dragging. With finals in just a few weeks and Type still unable to run, Techno only has time to practice and school. But after last weekend, he makes time for Kengkla too. He tells himself it's only to keep the young away and discourage him from showing up at Types apartment or a practice. Kengkla has already shown up twice at his game, and even though he thinks Kengkla only had good intentions, it was distracting in many ways.

So he answers Kengkla's calls, replies to his texts, and sends him updates about his day. But Techno didn't meet up with the other, tells Kengkla he's too busy with studying and practice, not to mention trying to get an internship. It's required to graduate, and Techno must complete it before the end of the long break to secure his degree.

He's reminded of this fact when he's waiting for Type to finish class so he can take the other home, still acting as a chauffeur for the injured athlete. Techno's waiting on a bench outside the classroom, browsing job boards on his phone, shaking his head at all the experience and qualifications the employer wants that he doesn't have. "Shit," He mumbles to himself and closes the window, leaning his head back against the wall.

There's no job he really wants besides being captain. Maybe he could be an assistant coach or a trainer, even a nutrition coach if he really tried. But he knows his grades and experience won't impress anyone. Techno closes his eyes while his mind wanders for a solution when his phone vibrates in his hand. His eyes snap open, and he glances down at the screen. He doesn't recognize the number but answers anyway. "Hello?"

"Good afternoon, is this Techno?" A pleasant female voice asks.

Her tone sounds professional, and Techno feels a bit intimidated. "Uh, yeah, I'm Techno," He manages.

"Great. I am calling on behalf of the athletics department at Chulalongkorn University, and we have a job opening for Assistant Football Coach intern that we think would be a good fit for you. Would you have time to come in for an interview tomorrow afternoon?"

Techno can't believe what he's hearing. She's calling from one of the best universities in the area with a team that's leagues beyond his own team, but he doesn't remember applying for the job or even seeing the position. It's strange, yet he decides against commenting on it, not willing to risk it. "Wow, really," He says lamely then clears his throat. "I mean, yes, I would be happy to come in. Um, what time?"

She doesn't sound affected by his awkwardness at all. "That's great. We have an opening at 3:30 p.m. Would that work?"

He smiles and pumps a fist into the air. "Yes," Techno answers, trying not to sound too excited. "That definitely works."

After she provides a few more details about where the interview will be located and whom to ask for, she hangs up, and Techno cheers, ignoring the staring students in the hallway. Then when he turns to the door nearby, Techno sees Type exiting the classroom with an amused expression. "What's got you so excited?" Type asks, still limping a bit as he walks toward Techno.

Techno's cheeks flush in slight embarrassment and shrugs his shoulders. "Nothing, just got a call from Chulalongkorn U to come and interview for an internship with their team," He brags in a sing-song voice.

Type raises a brow at him. "Really? What the hell did you do?" He asks as if he can't believe Techno could get an interview there. "Do you know someone? You're not that good, Ai' No."

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