Chapter 2 - Part 4

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🚫 For Mature Audiences Only 🚫 

 Techno can feel himself start to shake as Kengkla licks at his lips, and he opens his mouth to speak. It's a mistake. Kengkla slips his tongue in, licking around the wet cavern of his mouth, and his injured hand drops to Techno's waist. He can taste the food from earlier on Kengkla's lips, and for a second, he moves his tongue against the others in reflex.

Then Kengkla makes a sound, almost like a whine. Techno can feel it vibrate all the way down his throat just before he catches Techno's lips between his teeth. He bites down a few times before pulling back. Techno opens his eyes and blinks his vision clear to see Kengkla staring down at him, cheeks flushed and eyes dark. It's the same look from earlier, and he's breathing heavily again.

Kengkla smiles and leans his face into Techno's neck, bodies so close he can feel the zipper on Kengkla's hoodie against his chest. "P'No, didn't you notice your neck earlier?" Kengkla says against his neck, lips trailing a pattern of kisses under Techno's jaw. The question sends a shudder down Techno's spine.

It takes him a second to respond as his brain catches up. It must've been hidden under his track jacket. But it's unlikely he would've thought to look. No one's touched him liked this before. No one's kissed him before really. No one except Kengkla.

Techno shakes his head, unable to form words.

Kengkla's hand trails over Techno's shirt and across his rib cage. He breathes in heavily as if he's trying to inhale Techno directly into his lungs. Techno has to shut his eyes from the rush of heat that hits him with the thought. When Kengkla begins to nip at his neck, Techno starts to panic and places the palm of his hand against Kengkla's chest to push him away. If he keeps going, his neck will look even worse tomorrow. He can't imagine what it's like now.

But Kengkla presses him harder into the couch. Techno knows he could shove Kengkla off if he really wanted, but he's too stunned to try. Not just from the guilt or the worry that he'll hurt him physically, but it happens every time Kengkla touches him. He has to stop it. The only reason Kengkla wants him is because of that night, only reason Kengkla keeps kissing him is because of what Techno did.

"Ai' Kla, wait," He breathes, voice hoarse under the pressure. Kengkla ignores him and slides his hand under Techno's shirt. The bandage on Kengkla's hand scratches against Techno's skin, and he jumps at the contact.

As Kengkla begins licking at Techno's neck, he shifts his weight to place one knee against the cushions and the other between Techno's legs. He reaches out with his free hand and places it into the couch, lifting himself up to lean over Techno. With the extra leverage, Kengkla grinds against Techno's thigh between his legs and lets out a groan against the other's neck

The suggestion of their position is startling in its intimacy, overwhelming in its immediacy, and frightening when he realizes Kengkla's hard is pressing against him. Techno gasps and grips the front of Kengkla's sweatshirt, pulling at the fabric to get his attention.

But Kengkla makes that noise again, and it it sounds so much like a moan that Techno can feel his cock react. His face heats with self-consciousness, with the certainty that Kengkla can feel his involuntary response. "S-stop," Techno chokes out finally.

Kengkla pulls away, only to readjust himself to press his crotch down onto Techno's. In this position, Techno could feel the Kengkla's cock pressing against his with every forward motion. Breathing hard above Techno, Kengkla slides his hand up to brush over Techno's nipple.

Techno jerks with the sensation, embarrassed by the burst of heat that comes with the contact. "P's so cute," Kengkla whispers, sounding amused, and he catches the hard nub between his fingers and tugs gently.

It makes Techno's breath catch high and anxious in his chest, and Kengkla falls into a rhythm as he rocks himself against Techno. This last for a few minutes, Kengkla breathing against the side of his face, until he leans down to lick at his ear. It makes Techno shiver, and he opens his mouth to speak again when Kengkla's fingers begin plucking at his nipple.

Techno feels like his brain is about to shut down. He reaches for something else, anything else to focus on in an already futile attempt to hold back the heat flushing him hard against the inside of his jeans. It's a doomed effort; arousal has too strong a hold of him already. Techno slides his hand to the Kengkla's leg and digs into the muscle. Then he lets out a whimpering, "Please."

Kengkla's head comes up at that to stare down at Techno's face. The wide-eyed look on his face freezes Techno in place, and he mirrors it with a confused expression of his own. Then a second later, the other's eyelids droop heavily and his lips curl into a smile. "Please what, P' No?" Kengkla asks.

"I d-don't know," He offers, trying honesty as a stopgap while he tries to backtrack over and figure out what he just said.

But Kengkla doesn't respond. His expression evaporates into panic, and he looks over his shoulder at the entrance, leaning over Techno until he's completely blocking him. Techno gapes in shock at his abrupt movement and tries to look at the door past Kengkla, who keeps obstructing his view.

"What?" Techno manages, curiosity taking over his voice while his thoughts are still fogged up. Kengkla's staring at the door, eyes as dark with irritation as with heat, but there's the tiniest shift of his hand coming out from under Techno's shirt.

"There's someone here, P'No," Kengkla says, statement clear even against the haze of Techno's thoughts. It brings him right back to reality. "What?" Techno repeats and tries to sit up on the couch.

Kengkla removes his hand from Techno's chest, and he reaches backward to retrieve his phone from the pocket of his pants. Techno can't see what he's looking at on the screen so he watches Kengkla's face instead. His expression doesn't change; in fact, it almost darkens before he shuts it off and puts the phone away.

"Ai' 'Nic's back," Kengkla sounds surprised, but Techno doesn't understand why. According to Kengkla, Technic went to go get food, so he would have to come back eventually. But before Techno can reply, he hears footsteps approaching the door, and Kengkla looks back at the door again.

He's hoping it is Technic and not his parents, but just to be sure, he places a hand on Kengkla's shoulder, pushing at him gently until he moves. When Kengkla turns his head to look, the view of the door is no longer obstructed, and Techno sees his brother walking toward the front of his house through the window, porch light illuminating the dark yard.

"Shit," Techno says before he can stop himself, and with adrenaline pumping through his veins, he shoves at Kengkla's chest until the other sits back on his legs. Kengkla stares at Techno with wide eyes before reaching a hand out, but Techno darts his gaze away, guilt returning when he sees the bandage on his cut.

"I-I should go back upstairs," He can barely get it out as he shuffles out from under Kengkla off the couch. His knee hits the floor briefly before he returns to his feet, and Kengkla stays on the couch, staring up at him intently. He opens his mouth to say something but Techno beats him to it. "Tell Ai' Nic to eat the food. I'm okay, really."

Techno can tell Kengkla wants to say something, but he can't stop talking, looking back at the door. "Uh, um, don't worry about the plate. You're a guest here, Ai' Kla. You don't have to do the dishes." He's reaching for anything to say at this point, trying to drive the topic away from what they were doing only moments ago.

He turns to look at Kengkla who stares back at him, eyes wide and mouth soft. For a moment, Techno can see an odd uncertainty behind the other's eyes like he's never seen before. It's still there when Techno swallows hard before opening his mouth to say "See you later then," and heads toward the stairs.

There's no shout from Kengkla as he shuffles up the stairs, feet picking up speed when he hears the front door open. He's turning around the corner into a hallway when it finally opens, and his heart is still beating fast in his chest, fingers trembling as he opens the door to his room.

But for just a moment, as he slips inside his room and locks the door, the adrenaline in him shivers into warmth of happiness instead of the strain of near-panic.


A/N: I felt bad leaving ya'll hanging so I updated early. ;) But now Kengkla is left hanging. ha ha.

Having some writer's block...[bangs head] Wish me luck! 

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